Anyone NaNo?

Zaftique Posts: 599 Member
So Camp NaNiWriMo is coming up Apr 1, still undecided if I'm going to give it a shot, although I'm tempted to novelize the Hunter game I'm in cuz we're having so much fun..

Beyond that, NaNoWriMo is Nov 1, and never too early to contemplate a plot! :) 50,000 words in a month, woooooooo!


  • I've always tried, but have not completed the challenge. I think I need a shorter goal, I hear they have nano-spirited stories now.
  • I've always tried, but have not completed the challenge. I think I need a shorter goal, I hear they have nano-spirited stories now.

    Hunger Games? Is the writing camp online?
  • 17JayR
    17JayR Posts: 77 Member
    I'm Nanoing this month. During the camps in the spring and summer you can pick a shorter word count. Here's the website of camp Nano .