The revolving door

Everyday I wake up scared that my body has magically tripled in my sleep. I work out like crazy, mostly because I like it, and have been a dancer since 8 years old. So, being active is normal for me. However, I hate how healthy weight loss is so slow! I know it's the best way, though. Seeing as if I restrict, and lose 5lbs in a week, then I can gain it all back in one day pretty much. Sickening. This human body of mine doesn't like me. BOOOO.


  • yourfitnessenemy
    yourfitnessenemy Posts: 121 Member
    "Seeing as if I restrict, and lose 5lbs in a week, then I can gain it all back in one day pretty much."

    Me too. Years of restricting have KILLED my metabolism. I barely eat, don't lose weight. My body has just adjusted to it.
  • BMK1986
    BMK1986 Posts: 18 Member
    I totally agree! Its so hard sometimes to sort it all out in my head and allow myself to just let go of my anxiety where I am at while trying to work on it... I hate that its so hard!