Turbo Fire vs Turbo Kick

DianaV86 Posts: 146 Member
Have any Turbo Fire fans tried Turbo Kick, the program that's offered at the gym? The gym I'm thinking of joining offers Turbo Kick and I'm wondering how it compares to Turbo Fire. I know they are two different programs, just wondering about intensity. I don't want Turbo Kick to be too low key and not enough of a challenge for me, or is it "harder?" Turbo Fire is the perfect amount of intensity for me.


  • kikicooks
    kikicooks Posts: 1,079 Member
    It's been years, but I used to take TurboKick classes at my gym. The classes were like Turbo Jam, so just a little slower than Turbo Fire. It is possible that over the years the TK classes have become more like TF so hopefully someone who's taken a class more recently can verify that.