The Day after a workout

Everytime I workout my legs it don't feel sore. I put 110% into my workouts. I do all kinds of workout. Most people say I don't workout my leg hard enough or I don't put 100% into my workout, but they've never seen me do my workouts, they just assume. The things I do to workout my legs is running, squats (with and without weight + Power Squats) Deadlifes, bleacher, running up and down hills. I've been doing a lot of leg workout, even some people might say it's not health. BUT I never seem to feel sore. I would workout for 2 hours on my legs and I would do 4 times in a week. Never once I feel sore in the past 5 months. Is it something that I'm missing? I do cardio workouts and I don't feel my legs being sore at all only upper body. I Would run 8 miles but yet never sore. I would do leg extension, (20x10 reps of 80 pounds with a 8 sec rest) and never feel sore. What's going on?

I know this sounds like a BS question, but for real tho, It's been a LONG time sense I feel sore. I mean I hate being sore, but if sore is the only way for my legs to improve then I rather be sore. Please Help.

_Cher Lee_


  • missionprobable
    missionprobable Posts: 8 Member
    I feel the same way.. I've been running for almost a year now and I don't feel anything in my legs and I used to in the beginning. My lungs can feel it though! I think if you just switch it up with different exercises it might help. I know there are different videos you can search online and work out with that can target certain muscle groups and give you ideas that you never thought of. Maybe add to the weights your lifting too? Or check your form? I've seen a lot of people do squats with their legs not open wide enough to give ya that good burn on your butt and thighs.

    I agree with you.. I like being sore or feeling the burn. That means its working!