PCOS and Acne

kellymac518 Posts: 132 Member
Not really a weight loss related question, but how do you PCOSers deal with your acne? I've gone through several different creams prescribed to me and just started on antibiotics a week ago. its like some of the creams worked for a little while and then all of a sudden my face would be a mess again, so me dr would have me switch creams. Ive been getting more deep cystic pimples that are painful which is why he started me on the antibiotics and I'm hoping they will help the problem. I'm so tired of the acne though. I'm almost 25 years old and everyone always thinks I'm way younger because I still have pimples on my face. Its so embarrassing. Are there any tips you guys have that helped clear up your faces? Birth control doesn't seem to do the trick any more. I've tried drinking green tea but only made it worse. i've done research after realizing it was getting worse and apparently it can have an effect on your hormones that causes acne to flare up. My skin is super sensitive and peels like crazy if i use any face wash that isn't in the natural section like yes to tomatoes or alba acnedote. I feel like i'm going to be stuck with zits on my face forever. any advice is welcome!


  • MeepleMuppet
    MeepleMuppet Posts: 226 Member
    I have never gone the prescription route, or the expensive treatment route, but I had the most success with a nearly sugar-free existence. I love sweet things, and greasy things (I use to travel for my job, and ate at a LOT of diners) but once I made the decision to cease both, my skin did improve slightly. I also have a bad habit of touching my face, which doesn't help. I would recommend looking at your diet and your environment (try washing pillow cases more often and see if that helps or hurts. If it helps, yay. If it doesn't, maybe it's the detergent.) Sounds like you've been doing great research. All I can say is, keep digging, keep trying different things. I'm 39 and just discovered a face wash that at the very least isn't making things worse (Ole of Olay 7 stages of something or another)