A little backslide

bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
So I just found out that my sister is moving to Texas in a couple of months. She is my best friend, my rock, my confidant, and the only person in the world who is always ready with some tough love when I need it. It has just hit me that, while I'm happy for her for this new adventure, I'm really upset about it and that negative feeling has been causing me to go back to eating my feelings. It's either that or I'm pregnant and the baby really likes all of my usual comfort foods... so I'm inclined to believe that I've lost a little of the control I've gained over my emotional eating.

I picked a fine time to stop going to therapy. I felt I'd gotten as much out of it as I could for now, but maybe there's more to work on after all. I'm looking forward to getting over this cold enough so I can get back to working out... perhaps that'll serve as a suitable outlet for my sadness rather than eating all kinds of things I don't need to be eating. At least some of my comfort foods have included things that fit into my macros a little better than other foods I snack on.

I hope you're all doing well. :flowerforyou:


  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    oh my I am so sorry. She is your best friend, your rock. I don't know how far Texas is from you but it is just awful when someone is there for you and is moving. You need to move on, find you a good friend (easier said than done) but what choice do you have. I always want to turn to food also but that is just more negative stuff doing destructive stuff to your body. I say I have got to be good to myself.

    My best friend/neighbor just died this week all of a sudden. SHe came home from work and died, not sick or anything. She was my rock. I have been trying to just think how good it was to have her all of these years and not dwell on not having her now. But it is hard.

    I know we have to feel our feelings but it is easier to eat when hard things happen to us. I was reading don't stuff your face, face your stuff. I am so sorry your sister is moving,it is just like a death. Hope you can move on and do enjoyable things, I know you will, we have to. I had lunch with some old coworkers today and that was good, also went to the gym. Just keep moving.

    I am glad you put a name to our feelings, sad, you see I always think I am hungry but I am not, I am sad. I am trying to think of things to do to cope and not be so sad and that is not food.
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. It's definitely a hard thing, but it sounds like you're trying to have a good attitude about it.

    I live in Washington, so Texas will be far away. But it'll be a good opportunity for a little get away or a road trip if I'm feeling ambitious! It'll just take some adjusting. I'm trying to be more mindful of what I'm eating again and we'll see what happens.
  • dawnp1833
    dawnp1833 Posts: 264 Member
    I know I'm a bit late on this reply but I know how you feel. My sister was planning to move to Oregon a couple of months ago and I was so nervous about it. (she ended up deciding not to go). It's so hard to imagine your life without the people who are so important to you. But on the bright side, there is internet and phones with cheap long distance and skype and all kinds of ways to keep in touch that we didn't have just a few years ago.

    Brenn - Sorry to hear about your friend. What a shock when someone who isn't sick passes suddenly.

    I hope you're both doing OK and hanging in there.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    does anyone know what happened to susanjean, I think she started this site. I miss her, she has been gone 7 months.

    Hope everyone is doing ok. The last time I commented I had a good neighbor/friend die. I do miss her something terrible but glad I had her for a friend for a very long time like 40 years. Good Memories and I am glad she didn't have to suffer, I guess we could all wish we would die that way. I just keep on moving on enjoying the gym and friends and doing stuff. SHe would have wanted it that way. Thanks for all your replies. Things are always changing and that is life and we just have to go and enjoy the good stuff.
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    I'm not sure what happened to susanjean. I look through the roster for the group every now and then to see if everyone is at least still active on the site even if they're not posting in the group.

    My sister is leaving about 3 weeks earlier than she was originally planning, so that's a bummer. But it'll be alright... just some adjusting to do, I suppose.

    I hope everyone is doing okay out there!
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    bookworm, there are so many things we have to accept in this life that we don't like but I guess we just have to go enjoy the good stuff like I said. I know it is a bummer when someone moves. My daughter and son moved with my xhusband when they got to be teenagers (fun years, ha) and it about killed me. My son moved back to town and he has a daughter so we have enjoyed that. My daughter married and stayed out of town and it has been hard. I feel for you. I try to count my blessings and enjoy what I do have. (sometimes easier said than done) Thanks for replying about the lady who started this, it is like she just dropped out, hope she comes back. OH me, something else we have to accept. Glad you stayed around. I love MFP.
  • dawnp1833
    dawnp1833 Posts: 264 Member
    Brenn, If you click on SusanJean's name and bring up her profile, there's a place where you can click "send a message" to send her a message. Depending on how her settings are, she will likely get an email at her personal email address letting her know she has a message here. It might be worth a try to reach out to her. I know there were times when I gave up or just got too busy and wasn't logging in and someone from MFP sent me a message - it was nice to know I was thought of and got me back on track.