


  • jordymils
    jordymils Posts: 230 Member
    I think the trick to a WOD like this is to have strategic rest times. I usually go to about 95% and then need longer breaks, regardless of what the movement is, whereas it would be so much more efficient to go to 80% and only take a couple seconds before getting back to it. This will be especially helpful for T2B which I'm still working on (can string them together easily, but my toes are about 5cm away from the bar) so I reckon I'll have to make a point of stopping just short of exhausted, take a second, and then get straight back to it.
    I much prefer strength to endurance, but I'm actually pretty excited to give this one a go on Monday.
  • alysa521
    alysa521 Posts: 137 Member
    Well you can go ahead and add me to the most crowded club on the leaderboard at 180 reps. I finished the cleans at 13:53 and took one look at the rings was like nope. T2B were terrible because I don't have the kip so I can't string them together so I really had to motor through the rest of the workout which thankfully played to my strengths since I'm taller at 5'7'' and 95 is a light clean for me. Finished the row in just over 3:30, took forever and a day on T2B, 4 sets of 10 on the wall balls (we always throw to 10 ft so 9ft felt like nothing which was nice), and 30 cleans in 2:40.
  • jordymils
    jordymils Posts: 230 Member
    169 for me, RX'd, and I'm stoked. My goal was to get to the cleans so was very happy to get through 19 of them. The row took more out of me than expected but I also did it faster than usual in 3.30 mins. T2B were done in sets of 5-6 to save my hands which can tear easily, wall balls in 4 sets of 10. When I got to the bar I did the first clean and expected it to be a lot harder than it was, so got through the rest in sets of 3. Aside from the fact that 14.4 combined with our second WOD were an absolute killer, I'm a happy girl right now. I've done much better in all of the open WODs than expected and have RX'd everything except C2B (scaled to chin ups) so go me!! :P
    MDLNH Posts: 587 Member
    169 for me, RX'd, and I'm stoked. My goal was to get to the cleans so was very happy to get through 19 of them. The row took more out of me than expected but I also did it faster than usual in 3.30 mins. T2B were done in sets of 5-6 to save my hands which can tear easily, wall balls in 4 sets of 10. When I got to the bar I did the first clean and expected it to be a lot harder than it was, so got through the rest in sets of 3. Aside from the fact that 14.4 combined with our second WOD were an absolute killer, I'm a happy girl right now. I've done much better in all of the open WODs than expected and have RX'd everything except C2B (scaled to chin ups) so go me!! :P

    @jordymills - Congrats on your 14.4 score !!!! *I'll be doing it tonight and just hoping to make it through all the T2B. Already planning on breaking them down in sets of 5. I'll post my score later.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Great job everyone. I finished the row in about 3:45 and tried about 5 T2Bs but could not get it. Just did knee raises so I could get in good workout. Got to about 160 reps or so. If I had just conceded the T2Bs I could have finished them but I had to give it a try.
  • Inkratlet
    Inkratlet Posts: 613 Member
    What do you guys mean by 'chipper'?

    And I know what AMRAP is, but for the life of me can't think what AMREP is? What does the E stand for?
  • ascrit
    ascrit Posts: 770 Member
    As I understand it:

    AMRAP = As Many Rounds As Possible
    AMREP = As Many Reps As Possible

    Also, a chipper is usually a long WOD that you have to "chip away at" to complete.

    CrossFit - we love to confuse the **** out of people.
    MDLNH Posts: 587 Member
    14.4 score: 150

    The row went as expected, kept it well-paced and finished in under 3:20.
    T2B - If you include the "no-reps" probably did about 65. Not my favorite, but pushed through them (*tore-up my left hand pretty good).
    Wall Balls - Got through all 40.
    Cleans - Got my hands on the bar as time expired.
    Muscle Ups - Never got to them . . . couldn't have done one anyway :-)

    **Looking forward to 14.5 !!!
  • Inkratlet
    Inkratlet Posts: 613 Member
    As I understand it:

    AMRAP = As Many Rounds As Possible
    AMREP = As Many Reps As Possible

    Also, a chipper is usually a long WOD that you have to "chip away at" to complete.

    CrossFit - we love to confuse the **** out of people.

    Thaaaanks :-)

    Still learning all the acronyms :)
  • jordymils
    jordymils Posts: 230 Member
    A chipper is usually a WOD where you only do each thing once. So 14.4 would normally not have a time cap and it would just be a matter of 'chipping away' and getting through the whole thing, but because it's an open WOD it has to have a cap for those who can't do muscle ups. Because the open WODs can't be scaled, some people could literally be doing MUs for hours if there was no time cap :P