Sick Of Being "the fat little sister"

mzsmiley314 Posts: 5 Member
Hi everyone my name is Tracee im 22 years old and im over 240 pounds and im a laughing stock in my family. I have always been the big girl in my family and i didn't realize i was such a outsider until last year when i decided to join weight watchers and everyone rejoiced like i was getting married or something saying things like finally you will be pretty and your dad can brag about you like he does his sons! when i quit i felt like a total quitter and starting to binge eat like i was eating because i was bored or i was sad and wanted something to fill that void so when it wasnt shopping it was food so now its march 2014 and i have blown up to a whopping 240 something pounds and my family is telling me ive gain weight and every commercial that comes on the radio about weight loss they will turn up that commercial and wont look at me until the commercial is over and turn the radio back down and now they compare me to my older sister who is 30 something years old had a kid and still a size small like she has been her whole life! like HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN! but not me i can either eat and gain weight not eat gain weight eat something small gain weight i guess what im trying to say is im stuck in a rut im down on myself i keep saying today is the day ill start a diet and lose weight but that day has come and gone HELP!


  • summyv
    summyv Posts: 20 Member
    I would suggest focusing on what YOU want and what YOU think and feel about yourself. No one else's opinion really matters. Perhaps instead of going on a diet, think of yourself as adopting a new healthy lifestyle. Take things one day at a time, and try to be consistent in what you eat and how much you exercise. Think of food as fuel, rather than comfort. Try to make good food choices everyday-and if you do slip up(everyone does from time to time), get back on it the next day. And don't get sucked in by weight loss programmes, shakes, quick fix diets- eat less, move more. You CAN do it-commit to health, and ignore all negative things people have to say.