First weigh in!

skump425 Posts: 166 Member
Hey everyone, I know we mostly put our CW, GW, etc in the thread, but this is our first weigh in for the challenge!!!
We will weigh in again 3/27! Get it in everyone

My plan:
2 miles tonight
2 miles and soccer Tues
2 miles and cycling Wed
2 miles Thurs
Cycling Fri
2 miles Sat
rest Sun

GW: 120
April 25: 135


  • LadyRush
    LadyRush Posts: 95 Member
    Here's my first one:

    Today weight: 193.7
    Goal weight: 150

    I'll have an hour belly dance practice tonight, 2 hour class tomorrow, 1 hour practice on Wednesday, 2 hour class on Thursday, 2 hour practice on Saturday and Sunday too! It's busy when you're in two troups.
  • sareena4001
    Todays weight 192
    Goal weight 130
    April 25 187

    Ill be going to Curves for 45 mins of cardio and strength training 4 times a week. I'll also being going for a 45 min cycling Saturday. I'm going to boost my protein and eat less fats and Carbohydrate.
  • lorika55
    lorika55 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi everyone, I would be OVERJOYED if I could loose 5 pounds by April 25. I started one month ago and have lost four pounds...I was hoping to loose more. The only thing keeping me motivated is the inches I have lost.
    My current weight: 165
    Goal weight: 140
    by April 25 - 160
    I do 30 minutes of cardio on the treadmill everyday. Having had several knee surgeries, this is an accomplishment for me....I couldn't even saunter on the treadmill last year!
    Good luck everyone!! :smile:
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    Today's weight 148.2
    Gw:143.0(for April)
    Overall gw:135.0

    I will be doing t25/30 day shred
  • debbi98367
    debbi98367 Posts: 2 Member
    Happy Monday!!

    My exercise plan:
    M - F: 30 minute Curves with Jillian Michaels
    M - F: 1.5 - 2 Miles walked during lunch each day
    M - F: Total Steps per day 8500 (5 miles) - Essentially, making up my steps either at the dog park or on my tread climber depending on weather. My goal is to hit 10,000 steps per day by the end of the month.

    GW: 140
    April 25: 166
  • Tasha12345
    Tasha12345 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello! This is perfect! Exactly what I want to lose! This will keep me in check.

    Today's weight- 152

    April 25th goal - 147
  • JimieLou
    JimieLou Posts: 273 Member
    April 25th goal: 285 or less
    GW: 199 or lower.

    I do StrongLifts 3 days a week with 20-30 mins cardio afterwards. On the opposite of my lifting days I do at least 2 miles walking/jogging. I'm focused on my 2 mile time as I have a race coming up in May. Once I get that race over I will add distance to focus on my 5K in July.
  • Rosepetal777
    Rosepetal777 Posts: 5 Member
    Good luck everyone! We can do this.
    I'm going to walk home from the station each evening and I have boxing class on Tues.
    CW 187
    GW 150
    April 25 goal 182
  • mazmol
    mazmol Posts: 41 Member
    Hi all

    My name is marie
    Current weight 213
    Goal weight 150lbs
    April 25 I would like to be in the 14 stone bracket.
    Good luck everyone
  • CDL38
    CDL38 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I really appreciate the chance to join this group, it is exactly what I need. Good thing I weighed in.

    Today's Weight 158
    April 25 Goal 153 or less

    My plan:

    Nordic Walking - every day for 30 minutes
    Pilates - Monday for 1 hour
    Gym - Wednesday/Friday for 1 hour
    Yoga at lunch - 3 times per week

    Trying for 10,000 steps per day.

    Good Luck!
  • Vonique84
    Vonique84 Posts: 4 Member
    I wish everybody the best of Luck and motivation to stick with it!

    GW: 120
    April 25: 135

    I will be doing Jillian Michaels 6 week six pack 3-4 times a week along with more Clean eating.
  • degeorgeff
    degeorgeff Posts: 46 Member
    Hello All! I had a very rough week last week but I am ready to get back on track!

    GW: 130
    4/25: 188

    I plan on knocking out at least 3 miles on the treadmill tonight along with some strength.
  • susank135
    susank135 Posts: 13 Member
    CW 140
    GW 135

    Wednesday 4 mile walk/run intervals + 3 hours of gardening
    Thursday 4 mile brisk walk
    Friday 4 mile walk/run intervals
    Saturday 4 mile walk
    Sunday 5.5 mile walk
  • ozzybird1
    ozzybird1 Posts: 17 Member
    thanks for inviting me :)

    on my last weigh in (20/3) I was 176.6, not sure about today on joining, as im waiting to weigh again on 27/3
    GW (eventually :wink: ) 130
    25/4 171.6 or less

    at the moment im just walking half hour every day in my lunch-break and half hour on air-walker on an evening
  • lemon629
    lemon629 Posts: 501 Member
    Weight today is 176.8.
    I would love to be down to 171 by 4/25.
    Eventual goal is 150, but that may change (up or down) as I get closer to 150.

    Exercise plan in general is:

    Monday: Yoga 90 minutes
    Tuesday: Pilates 60 minutes
    Wednesday: Yoga 75 minutes + Zumba 60 minutes
    Thursday: Weight lifting 30 minutes (on my lunch break)
    Friday: day off (may add swimming to this day later)
    Saturday: Zumba 45 minutes + circuit training 60 minutes
    Sunday: Biking (when weather is nice) and lower body exercises

    However, this weekend I will be going out of town, so just a lot of walking this weekend.
  • gilbertgrapes
    GW: 120

    Wed: 20 min cardio/35 min strength training - Arms/Upper body
    Thurs: 20 min cardio/35 min strength training - Legs
    Fri: 20 min cardio/35 min strength training - Arms/Upper Body
    Sat: 20 min cardio/35 min strength training - Legs
    Sun: Rest

    Been trying to lose 5 pounds for 3 months. I hope this sticks.
  • Asterie
    Asterie Posts: 159 Member
    CW: 137.2 lbs
    GW: 110-119 lbs

    GW for April 25: 132.2 lbs

    I'm doing Stronglifts 3-4 times a week, walking the dog about 45-80 minutes 3+ times a week (when the weather's nice; he hates rain), and a hybrid of Turbofire and Ripped in 30 5-6 days a week!

    So far I've GAINED 1 pound since joining this challenge, but I'm pretty sure it's because my muscles are retaining water because I definitely have been sticking to my calorie deficit.

    Feel free to add me, friends!
  • kayedani89
    Thanks for adding me here! :) I weighed in this morning at 136.2 My UGW is 125-130 My goal by 4/25 is 131

    I go to the gym 3-4 times a week. Kickboxing, Step, Spin and Zumba (sometimes). I also enjoy running.

    If anyone wants to add me as a friend, feel free to. Just mention in the message that you're from this group , so I can keep track : )
  • 1crvygrl
    1crvygrl Posts: 491 Member
    SW 198
    4/25 goal 193
    UGW 135-145

    I'm currently going to Curves 3X a week, but would like to add more exercise, possibly kettlebells, treadmill or some DVD's. I also need to get more serious about my food and water intake.
  • ohyeahtremece
    Hi Everyone!!!! I am 22 studying abroad in china and would love to look a little thinner when I come back to the states and at my goal weight 189 by my 23rd birthday in August!
    My current weight: 230

    I just finished a 1 hour step aerobics class! I'm not sure what I'll do tomorrow but my goal will be to burn 600 Calories doing it!

    Please friend me, I just realized how beneficial the community at mfp can be!! I really need the encouragement and support away from home.