How are the cuts going?



  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Ahhh see that's where I get caught up. I automatically think TDEE, not MFP + activity so when I saw that I was like damn!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I do a TDEE wackadoodle thing- I use TDEE but I set mine a sedentary- because my workouts vary- I don't like to add them in- so I kind of do it like MFP- but I worked through TDEE to get me there. I didn't like MFP doing it for me. But it's the way MFP does it- I just manually did it.

    So I'll aim for 1500 then eat back 1/2 of what I work out with so total it'll be around 18-2000. Last time I dropped 15 lbs I mostly just restricted carbs and ate an obscene amount of meat and veggies- worked okay- so this time I'll go that route- but I'll put some numbers on it to force the issue.
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    I'm cutting around 2000 calories/day during the week and giving myself a free-for-all on the weekends. Well, not totally, but this past weekend was bad. It's TOM so it's been tough. I don't really have a lot to cut, I don't think...just want the little pooch that formed over my six-pack to be gone!
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member

    I'm going to cutting at 1500. :( maybe even lower. sigh.

    So glad it's not just me. Eating at maintainance this week (1960) then I'll go for 1700 till it slows, then 1500. Already feeling it - 50 cals over today (and I haven't logged my snicker ????)

    I had heard length of time in deficit can be just as bad as having a large deficit so I'm hoping I can drop faster than I normally do.
    It's a relief seeing someone who knows what they're doing going a bit on the lower side, I won't feel like as much of an amateur.

    Any tips on preserving what I might have gained, muscle wise, or is it just a case of keeping protein up, lifting and hoping for the best?
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    I swear every time I think "cut", I gain. I'm hoping this is just water weight from the weekend.

    Cut calorie goals are 1700 calories 5 days a week, and then two days at 2000 calories. That should be a 1lb/week cut, but since I only want to drop 5 lbs, it gives me a little wiggle room for weekend error. The five lb loss is also assuming my jump in weight is mostly water.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member

    I'm going to cutting at 1500. :( maybe even lower. sigh.

    I had heard length of time in deficit can be just as bad as having a large deficit so I'm hoping I can drop faster than I normally do.
    It's a relief seeing someone who knows what they're doing going a bit on the lower side, I won't feel like as much of an amateur.

    Any tips on preserving what I might have gained, muscle wise, or is it just a case of keeping protein up, lifting and hoping for the best?

    Well one way would be to do a slower, less drastic cut. That's how it helped me in previous cuts, had very little loss. However that seems contradictory to what you've heard....

    Either way, it's very hard to retain all gained LBM during a cut. Just keep trucking. If you find you're losing too fast reconsider what your plan is.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    I'm going to cutting at 1500. :( maybe even lower. sigh.

    I had heard length of time in deficit can be just as bad as having a large deficit so I'm hoping I can drop faster than I normally do.
    It's a relief seeing someone who knows what they're doing going a bit on the lower side, I won't feel like as much of an amateur.

    Any tips on preserving what I might have gained, muscle wise, or is it just a case of keeping protein up, lifting and hoping for the best?

    Well one way would be to do a slower, less drastic cut. That's how it helped me in previous cuts, had very little loss. However that seems contradictory to what you've heard....

    Either way, it's very hard to retain all gained LBM during a cut. Just keep trucking. If you find you're losing too fast reconsider what your plan is.

    yeah long sustained medium cuts can really eat into your metabolism and tank things- but flip side- hard cuts can be bad too- so you have to be body attentive- I'd prefer a shorter harder cut and be a little miserable than drag it out- least for my time frame and my life. I'm too busy to really function well on a long sustained medium cut. It doesn't work to well- I'm too busy.

    HMVOL is right- keep doing what you're doing- always keep and eye and re-evaluate if you are not hitting what you need.

    I've cut at 1200 for about 6 weeks- eating back about 3/4 of my workout calories I was okay- I had a very short term goal for a photo shoot so I went through the whole cut and prep like you would for a competition- very eye opening.
  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    This cut sucks.... I've now been at it for 4 weeks and am not seeing much result yet. Doesn't help of course that past 5 days I was on a skiing trip from work that included lots of apres ski time. Now I'm back at 1700 kcal net intake, including lifting, but excluding cardio. I'm really noticing the difference in intake with my lifts, everything requires more effort and I'm feeling more tired all the time. well, 2 months more and I should be at an acceptable bf% again. :wink:
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    Thanks guys.

    I actually, normally, do better on 1200 + exercise - the more I have to eat, the more I seem to cheat and I always lose sloooow. Think my maintainance range is definitely better since doing the bulk though (the last couple of weeks, I was losing at surplus despite upping) so I'll probably play it by ear, like you guys have said.

    Need to get my healthy eating head back on and say goodbye to the snickers for a few weeks :(
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    FWIW a long cut IMO is 12 wks. I would never go past that and haven't. My most recent cut over the summer was 8 wks where I had my best success with a not so drastic deficit and controlled refeeds incorporated every week. Strength never diminished, actually improved and I was sane. Keyword sane. Never felt deprived, weak, miserable or struggled.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    Wish there was a 'like' button.

    Good info HMVOL, thanks. I've planned to cut 15 lb - I'll keep those time frames in mind.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    FWIW a long cut IMO is 12 wks. I would never go past that and haven't. My most recent cut over the summer was 8 wks where I had my best success with a not so drastic deficit and controlled refeeds incorporated every week. Strength never diminished, actually improved and I was sane. Keyword sane. Never felt deprived, weak, miserable or struggled.

    I think there are two perceptions to be aware of here which your posts really brings up (thank you)
    there is long term weight loss- where for a lot of people we are talking about "just weight loss" and it's usually a fair bit of weight.

    And then there is cutting- which is by nature typically more aggressive- there are more clearly defined goals and and end result in site- verses just "general weight loss". and it's specifically targeting body fat and maintaining muscle mass.

    quick edit- technically the process is the same- calorie deficit is calorie deficit- just a slightly different mentality/approach.
    something to keep in mind.
  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    I've planned to cut 15 lb - I'll keep those time frames in mind.
    Keep in mind, that if you bulked and were able to gain some muscle mass - losing what you want to look the way you want might not ultimately end up being 15 lbs. If you go for a specific weight goal, you might end up losing what you hoped to gain from a bulk in the first place. So what I'm saying is maybe try not to go for a specific weight goal but go by what you see in the mirror.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    FWIW a long cut IMO is 12 wks. I would never go past that and haven't. My most recent cut over the summer was 8 wks where I had my best success with a not so drastic deficit and controlled refeeds incorporated every week. Strength never diminished, actually improved and I was sane. Keyword sane. Never felt deprived, weak, miserable or struggled.

    I think there are two perceptions to be aware of here which your posts really brings up (thank you)
    there is long term weight loss- where for a lot of people we are talking about "just weight loss" and it's usually a fair bit of weight.

    And then there is cutting- which is by nature typically more aggressive- there are more clearly defined goals and and end result in site- verses just "general weight loss". and it's specifically targeting body fat and maintaining muscle mass.

    quick edit- technically the process is the same- calorie deficit is calorie deficit- just a slightly different mentality/approach.
    something to keep in mind.

    Exactly and understood. That's why I don't have a goal weight, goal BF etc. I will cut how I see fit for my goals and experiences and go based on how I look and feel. Bulking/Cutting is definitely a very different approach...mentally more challenging IMO.

    I have to agree with Kim, it's easy to put a GW out there or I want to lose X amt of pounds but she's correct; if you've put on a appreciated muscle, you might be happier with a smaller loss.
  • Barbellgirl
    Barbellgirl Posts: 544 Member
    Hi ladies. I'm sorry I haven't been on here much lately. I continued to bulk until mid February when my coach mentioned an NPC competition in my state this May. After thinking about I decided what the heck. I'm going to enter it. I'm currently cutting. I don't think I have enough muscle yet but I know I have a lot more than when I started lifting last June.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Hi ladies. I'm sorry I haven't been on here much lately. I continued to bulk until mid February when my coach mentioned an NPC competition in my state this May. After thinking about I decided what the heck. I'm going to enter it. I'm currently cutting. I don't think I have enough muscle yet but I know I have a lot more than when I started lifting last June.

    you've come so far!!! MIGHT AS WELL!!!

    Give it a shot!!! See how it goes.

  • yogaga1
    yogaga1 Posts: 182 Member
    Dropping in to say I took some measurements this morning for month one into cut and after no loss on the scale this week, I was pleasantly surprised! I've lost 1.25" on my waist and 1.25" around my belly button. I am really thrilled with my overall look at this point! Lifts are still increasing and my energy level is starting to balance out again. My workout today was great!

    Looking like this will be a nice quick cut and I'll be on my way to maintenance shortly.
  • karinefitness
    karinefitness Posts: 336 Member
    I'm trying to cut... Not working so well since I'm not even sure how to set my calorie goal. I gained about 1/4 to 1/2 pound / weekly while bulking at around 2400-2500. In your opinion, would 2000 be low enough to lose a little?

    I'm going on a beach vacation in three weeks and even though I like how I look, I wouldn't mind dropping 1-2 pounds of fat until then (of course it might also be muscle but we'll see). I am 5'5, 123-124 pounds, lifting 3-4x a week. I'll start doing some HIIT 2x a week... eventually ;)

    Online calculators are all over the place. Some suggest 1400 calories, others 2100... basically, I'm not sure what to do and I know I need a plan! :/
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member

    So far so good, I think. March was a bit of a write-off but I'm back on track and doing ok at this new intake level (2000 vs. 2600) I'm still lifting 3x/week and trying to add some cardio in 2-3 times as well. I'm not hungry (usually) with this amount, so that's good. I am down to about 137-138 depending on the day, so that's the water weight plus a little extra I hope. I seem to be noticing a little more definition in my upper body - that's the first place that fat drops on me - so I think things are moving in the right direction. It's going slower than I'd planned, but I think this is going to be a reasonable and sustainable pace and won't affect my gym performance too terribly :)
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I'm trying to cut... Not working so well since I'm not even sure how to set my calorie goal. I gained about 1/4 to 1/2 pound / weekly while bulking at around 2400-2500. In your opinion, would 2000 be low enough to lose a little?

    I'm going on a beach vacation in three weeks and even though I like how I look, I wouldn't mind dropping 1-2 pounds of fat until then (of course it might also be muscle but we'll see). I am 5'5, 123-124 pounds, lifting 3-4x a week. I'll start doing some HIIT 2x a week... eventually ;)

    Online calculators are all over the place. Some suggest 1400 calories, others 2100... basically, I'm not sure what to do and I know I need a plan! :/

    I'd try to figure out much you were gaining per week with your bulking calories, and then figure your maintenance from there. So if you were gaining half a pound per week on 2500 then that would make your maintenance roughly 2250. I'd eat at maintenance for a couple of weeks to normalize, and then drop down to 2000. That should give you a loss of half a pound per week.

    I'm new to bulking and cutting so I could be completely off base, but that's how I'd go about it. I always do better changing calorie goal gradually, mostly in terms of adherence.