Let me be your motivation!!!!

Hello Ladies: my name is Stephanie. I had this app for a while but really didn't utilize it. I grew up being the big girl all my life. I had a self confidence problem also.I had lost 121 pds 4 years ago but gained back half of it while in nursing school.It has been a struggle since 2012 with losing any weight. I really need support and I'm willing to support others. I know the summer time is coming and i'm ready to get my SUMMER TIME FINE ON. LET'S DO THIS...:heart::love: :smile:


  • Hey Stephanie!
    I've been doing well with my weight loss so far and feel like I am establishing healthy habits and all that good stuff.
    I log on everyday to track my food and exercise and am looking for people to help keep me motivated as I work towards my goal.
    My friends (in real life; I'm just getting into the social/community part of MyFitnessPal) say I am motivating. I am the one who calls/texts everyone to remind them that Zumba, dance, or kickboxing class is coming up. lol.

    Feel free to add me as a friend or message me and maybe we can check in on each other.
  • Step1981
    Step1981 Posts: 4
    Hey Stephanie!
    I've been doing well with my weight loss so far and feel like I am establishing healthy habits and all that good stuff.
    I log on everyday to track my food and exercise and am looking for people to help keep me motivated as I work towards my goal.
    My friends (in real life; I'm just getting into the social/community part of MyFitnessPal) say I am motivating. I am the one who calls/texts everyone to remind them that Zumba, dance, or kickboxing class is coming up. lol.

    Feel free to add me as a friend or message me and maybe we can check in on each other.

    I'm SO happy that i found this group. I had the app for a long time but I didn't know that there was a community within mfp. I had lost 121 pds but i did it mostly with support from my friend that i never met on myspace. We both lost over 100 pds. We did it together. I think that we ALL will be successful. I can't wait to get to know you and other members. Thanks so much for replying. I'm ready to get SUMMER TIME FINE girllll..lol...Muahhh
  • Is there usually a lot of activity in this group?
    That was my only hesitation about joining groups, because I joined a group previously on Sparkpeople.com and no one ever posted. :frown:
    So I kind of felt like it was a waste.
    I'd like to find people who log in every day and are committed and we can really help to motivate each other. We can't get motivated if there's never any communication. lol

    But, I'm looking forward to it. I'm officially OBSESSED with this fitness thing. All I can think about half of the time is what I'm going to buy when I lose all of my weight. I CAN'T WAIT TO GO SHOPPING!!! :love:

    When I did all of my weight loss previously (2.5 years ago), I started at a size 20-22 @ 287 lbs and got all the way down to a 14 and was about 230 lbs!! I hadn't been in a size 14 since.... I started college in 2002. lmao. And I lost those dress sizes over the course of like 4.5 months.
    I'll never forget going to some random regular store at an outlet with my mother and being able to just pick up a size Large and a size 14 and they fit! I almost cried in the dressing room with her. :sad:
    This time around, I've gained back ALL of that weight + an add'l 20 lbs! So I started out as a size 24 @ 307 lbs in January :brokenheart: .
    I'm already fitting in to a size 20 again, so I'm happy to be seeing progress.
    I kept all of my size 14 clothes from that summer, and plan on being able to fit them again this year (and every year after)!!!
  • thelms77
    thelms77 Posts: 27 Member
    I haven't been doing so well with my weight loss but am getting back on track trying to get this last 10 pounds off. You can add me as a friend if you want. Sometimes i need motivation and support as well. BWLW has a lot of people on hear that encourage!
  • thelms77
    thelms77 Posts: 27 Member
    Is there usually a lot of activity in this group?
    That was my only hesitation about joining groups, because I joined a group previously on Sparkpeople.com and no one ever posted. :frown:
    So I kind of felt like it was a waste.
    I'd like to find people who log in every day and are committed and we can really help to motivate each other. We can't get motivated if there's never any communication. lol

    But, I'm looking forward to it. I'm officially OBSESSED with this fitness thing. All I can think about half of the time is what I'm going to buy when I lose all of my weight. I CAN'T WAIT TO GO SHOPPING!!! :love:

    When I did all of my weight loss previously (2.5 years ago), I started at a size 20-22 @ 287 lbs and got all the way down to a 14 and was about 230 lbs!! I hadn't been in a size 14 since.... I started college in 2002. lmao. And I lost those dress sizes over the course of like 4.5 months.
    I'll never forget going to some random regular store at an outlet with my mother and being able to just pick up a size Large and a size 14 and they fit! I almost cried in the dressing room with her. :sad:
    This time around, I've gained back ALL of that weight + an add'l 20 lbs! So I started out as a size 24 @ 307 lbs in January :brokenheart: .
    I'm already fitting in to a size 20 again, so I'm happy to be seeing progress.
    I kept all of my size 14 clothes from that summer, and plan on being able to fit them again this year (and every year after)!!!

    I like your attitude. I get motivated all over again every time i read some of these posts. And yours has me motivated big time. Don't throw out those 14s, you should be in them soon.