6 Months!

DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
Today is my 6 month "Surgiversory" and what an amazing 6 months it has been. So much has changed in such a short period of time.

Besides losing 100+ pounds; I have lost 10 inches on my pants size, gained upper body muscle definition, regained the ability to run, developed new healthy eating habits, learned to understand portions and have rededicated myself to being healthy. I feel better than I have in 20 years. My weight range is back to USMC levels. Friends and family are free with positive compliments. The athletes I coach are pumping me up. People at work cannot believe the change. My wife's friends are commenting on how lucky she is and how good her sex life must be now (not a bad ego boost!)

I am excited to see what the summer brings!!!!
