
Welcome to the Eating Healthy and Making it good group! This group is to show you that you can eat healthy and it be yummy! I'm a girl that loves food! So I'm always looking for new ways to make healthy good taste good! I am going to be posting tips, recipes, my meal plans, my fav cook books, etc. Yall feel free to chip in to! Let us know what has worked for you!

A little about me:
My name is Jordan Keith. I have been on my weight loss journey for a few years now and it has never sticked. This year came and I was officially tired of feeling like I felt. It was time for a change. The other times I had always just jumped into eating healthy and would have one bad day and quit. This time it was different, I just took it day by day! I would tell my self ok this week i will eat 2 to 3 healthy recipes and the same with my work outs. Each day I would focus on getting one thing done like eating healthy snacks or getting my water in for the day or getting my work out in etc. Ive been at it for about 3 months now and I cook 4 to 5 healthy recipes a week now and get my work outs in at least 4 days a week! I feel great! My best advice is just take it slow!

Keep tuned for recipes, tips, etc.

Feel free to introduce yourselves also but you dont have to if you dont want to!