Due date on sunday

melindenmark Posts: 279 Member
Hi everyone,

My due dates on sunday and i am super excited to finally meet my little girl. Yesterday i had a midwife appointment and ended up having to go on a heart rate moniter to moniter babys heart rate. She was super active while i was there so of course she had a higher heart rate and they just wanted to make sure it was because she was active and not stressed (she was having a little party and thats what they concluded too lol). while i was on the machine it showed i had a lot of BH contractions (one every 5-10 min) that i couldnt feel. when i got home they continued and i could start feeling them, not really hurting but was able to notice them. Of course i went to bed and they stoped, was hopeing they would devop in to real contractions.

Anyway just wanted to ask them that have had a baby before, could this be a sign that she is on her way? or is it normal to have days where you have alot of BH with out it really meaning anything. Would love for her to come in the next day or so but could be just wishful thinking on my part :)


  • hiba_84
    hiba_84 Posts: 177 Member
    It could mean either :)
    I had contractions for days. Then the bloody show and mucus plug (sp) and for 3 days, nothing!
    I was dialated to 2 cm all that period but still nothing. As my dr. told me that such contractions will not deliver an egg, let alone a human being, lol.

    I had to go have that 60 ml of castor oil before anything would turn real. I did deliver on my due date though.

    Good luck to you, i hope this is different for you and you will have your baby soon.
  • StansGal
    StansGal Posts: 6 Member
    As I am a first timer and due early June I am not much used to you, but just wanted to say good luck and its very exciting that you get to meet your baby soon xxxx
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    Sadly, I'm not sure they mean anything at all. I had them but still ended up with a vacuum assist C-section as baby girl was so high up in my pelvis and there were no signs of her dropping and I never dilated. Hopefully they turn into the real thing for you!
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    It is normal to have a lot of BH contractions, to the point that I know lots of women who thought they were in labor and went to the hospital and they weren't actually in labor.

    The real signs would be that the baby in engaged and that your cervix is effacing but even when these start to occur it can still be weeks with a first child. (Once these happen in a subsequent pregnancy, it's usually only a matter of days).

    With my first, I was a little effaced and dilated even starting at 36 weeks but she was born three days after her due date. With her I went into labor (the contractions were really obvious when they started) and then had her about 12 hours later. They had to break my water as it never broke on its own. They also had to medicate me to speed up labor because I got stuck at the same # of centimeters for a long time several times and almost had to have a C-section but at the last minute, I fully dilated and was able to have a vaginal delivery.

    With my second, my water broke, contractions started and by the time I got to the hospital my contractions were a minute or two apart. They didn't have enough time to do an epidural and he was born less than two hours after we got to the hospital! With him, labor obviously progressed really fast. I was 2 cm dilated and fully engaged at 36 1/2 weeks and he was born six days later.
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    Agree with the other ladies, it could mean something or nothing. Your body is preparing for labor, that much is certain, but even dilation/effacement doesn't give any indication as to "when" it'll happen. There's a lot of misinformation out there. I have a friend who is pregnant and her due date was yesterday, her doctor keeps checking her and she and her friends are obsessed with how dilated she is... it doesn't mean anything at all. I wasn't even one centimeter when I went into labor, then five hours later I was at 5 and then 20 minutes after I had an epidural I was at 9.5! Everything can happen so fast, but best of luck to you and I hope you get to meet your little girl soon! :-)