A little help?Not losing weight with diet

:smile: Any help for me? I've been stuck at 175 lbs after my first 10 lbs gone and I am so so so beyond frustrated. How many calories should I eat a day? I ate 1200 for 4 months with intense exercise a Jillian Michaels video) 5-6 times a week. My kids got sick and I took 2 weeks off from exercising and tried WW and I'm at the same weight I am right now, still stuck at 175. So I feel like eating more or less with more or less exercise yields the same results. I have a 13 month old that I am breast feeding, especially more in the last 2 weeks when I added 200-300 extra calories a day and he's eating much better now and I feel my supply coming back I just want to be healthy, but I feel like I'm going to be carrying my baby weight forever! Any tips? I"m fine with people looking at my diary and giving me any tips they have :) I need a coach or something!