
fluffychick73 Posts: 19 Member
Just wondering how others deal with vacations and traveling, while trying to stay on track.

I have several friends that take workout videos and equipment with them when they travel. That is just not my style. Normally I wouldn't care about watching what I eat as well on vacation, because I'm on vacation. It's supposed to be a time to get away, but this year it is really bothering me.

I am getting ready to go with my mom on a girls trip in a little over a week. Unfortunately, this one will not be to Disney, but to my parents house in Palm Springs (anyone from that area, if you have any suggestions for fun stuff to do, ideas are welcome!). My plan of attack is this...I am taking workout clothes, and shoes. I know that my mom & I will go for a walk I think she said it's around 4 miles to walk the perimeter of the complex) each day, so I will also be taking my HRM with me to calculate calorie burn. We will probably also go to the pool and go swimming every day as well. I have been on Pinterest pinning body weight workouts so that I can still do some HIIT cardio and such. As far as eating, when we go to the grocery store I am planning on picking up bananas, other fruit, eggs and Ezekiel bread for staples. I know that we will go out to eat some too and that I will splurge on food and drinks that I normally wouldn't (I mean it is vacation and I don't want to restrict myself totally).

I am thinking this will be a trial run, as my husband, daughter and I (along with my mom & dad) will be taking this exact same trip in May, although when we do this big family trip we will be hiking Joshua Tree National Park one day. I am looking towards this summer and everything that we have planned, trip wise and I see it may be a challenging time with my eating and exercise. Taking a canoe trip in July with my BFF and all of our kids and a few of their friends and then a week after that I take my daughters Girl Scout troop on a trip to Chicago.