Welcome and introductions!



  • CathOh
    CathOh Posts: 72 Member
    Hi I'm Cathy. I'm focusing on my marathon at the end of May right now, but after that I'd like to start improving my speed at shorter distances. I've never "raced" a 5k or any event for that matter - I've run tonnes of events, but I've always just run at a comfortable happy pace. I've been running for over 10 years, and this is the first training cycle that has included speedwork etc. in it. I'm happy to follow along your discussions for now, and then participate more actively in a couple of months.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I'm Varda. I live in Atlanta. I started running with Couch to 5k in November of 2012, so I've been running for a year and a half.

    I'm planning on lurking and learning in this group at this point :)
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Hello..I'm John

    And we've all been calling you Joe, lol!

    That IS funny.
  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    Hi I am Jo

    I am from Alberta, Canada. I am more of a 10 km racer (when I do enter into a race), but most of my runs throughout the week are 5 km. I would love to improve my time for the 5 km. It seems like as I get older I get slower. Which should not be an excuse.
  • jenn2375
    jenn2375 Posts: 101 Member
    Hi, Jenn from Seattle. I have been running again since January after a very rough year and gaining about 25 pounds..... that 25 pounds is almost gone and I hope to lose another 25 and be in the best shape of my life as I approach the big 40! I just signed up for my first 5k the end of April and try to run 4-5 times a week. I would say im anywhere between 31min on a good day and 34 on a rough day......you are all so fast, I am excited to try to improve my time and run more races !!!
  • RunFarLiveHappy
    RunFarLiveHappy Posts: 805 Member
    Happy to be here to help all you elites look so fast ????????

    I'm Nicholette, I'm 32, running since June 2012 and seriously (competitively) since March 2013. My PR for my 5k is 28:44 (last fall) and sincerely hoping to break 28:00 this year if not better. It's a toss up between half marathons and 5k's for personal favorite distance. Please God don't make me run more than 2x 10k's this year. Lol. I am committed to some longer distance (halfs and 20-milers) races this spring but I am running a six pack series (all 5k's-same course) this summer and I cannot wait to dominate them!!
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    I'm Teresa. I am 32 and have been running 2009. But not really serious about it until last year. I have only done a few 5ks. This year I want to do some and I know I want to beat my PR. It was 28:16 which was in 2012 and I haven't ran a 5k since. I know I have gotten faster since then. I am more into distance. I am training for my second marathon.

    My next 5k will be June 1st which will be half trails and half paved roads. I run the route a lot and it is pretty hilly but I am used to it. Next 5k after that is July 4th and its a flat course.
  • actlc
    actlc Posts: 84
    Hi, I'm Alan.

    started running 1/2013 (@ around 12 min/mile). my only 5K last fall @ 28:05. Hope to get below 26:00 for same race this year.

    Been running mostly easy run regularly (about 18 - 30 miles / wk) and feel that the speed gain is kinda slow.
    So it would be awesome to learn from you guys in how to get faster!
  • SecretAgent27
    SecretAgent27 Posts: 57 Member
    Ran my first race this morning and finished in 28:12. It was a little harder than I expected so I fell a little short of my optimistic goal. But I think things went well overall and now I have a benchmark to work from.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Hi, I'm Petra. I haven't run an official 5K race but I do run 5K three times a week for fun. I'd like to decrease my time to 30-35 minutes. Currently, I run 5K in about 40 minutes, which is already an improvement from my first time of 50 minutes. I graduated C25K in Jan/Feb 2013.
    I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone.
  • smiffy645
    smiffy645 Posts: 167 Member
    Hi All, great idea for a group and great to see so many here already. my story, finished the C25k 20 months ago and have run probably around 50 5k's since. I'm UK based and we have a free 5k event every week called parkrun which has helped me train and improve. Current PB is 22.55 which I am happy with as my target for 2014 was to break into the 22's. looking forward to discussing this challenging distance with you all!

  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    I'm John. I started running in November 2011 and ran my first 5K race in February 2012 (27:47). Since then I've run several 5Ks, a couple of 10Ks and three half marathons. I'm planning to run my first full marathon in December and am seriously considering ultras depending on the outcome of my first full. I still have unmet 5K and 10K goals. My 5K PR is 23:48 (yesterday) and I want to get sub 23:00. I have a 10K in two weeks. After that I'm focusing on longer distances but I still have the goal of breaking 23:00 in the 5K.

    Full disclosure: I HATE 5K. It hurts. I'd rather run for two or three hours than sprint for 20 something minutes. And the deal I made with myself is that once I beat 23:00 I don't have to run another 5K ever (I understand that's not exactly a lofty goal but it's one that has as yet eluded me). Someone told me yesterday that 23:48 was close enough to 23:00 and I said "nope, rules are rules." So I have at least one more 5K to run. I haven't decided when that will be so I have some time to work on getting that last minute or so shaved off.
  • BakerRunnerBadass
    BakerRunnerBadass Posts: 1,359 Member
    Mary here. All your times are making me feel pretty darn slow, lol! I only pushed myself to run a whole 5k back in the fall and due to the terrible winter here have only gotten back out at it in the last couple of weeks. My goal right now is to get under 30:00 and look forward to any tips.

    Majority of my races this year range from 5-10k with the exception of the Tough Mudder in August, hoping to improve as the year progresses!
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Hi, I'm Donna. I've been running for a little less than a year. I did my first, and only race so far, last July. It was a trail 5k that I did in about 50 minutes. I run 5k multiple times a week now, also weekly 10ks, and am faster. I'm currently planning to run a half marathon next November and hope to do one or more 5 or 10k's before that, if I manage any free weekends. My first race was like that. I found out on Wednesday that I was going to have a free weekend in three days and searched the internet until I found a race somewhat near me.

    So, since I'm still pretty new, and since I have no idea when my next race will be (other than the one in November) or what distance it will be except somewhere 5-10k, my training plan is pretty much, just run, what I can, when I can.
  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 528 Member
    Hi! My name is Sherri and I am a runner.

    I started running in January 2008 to help lose weight... but then found myself pregnant. Had a baby, gained weight, lost weight, ran a lot, gained weight, kept running, got pregnant again, gained even more weight... Anyway, now I am working on losing weight so I can run faster! :laugh:

    My 5k in March was 46 mins and change. I did one last weekend and it was 42 and change! Yay for me! My PR is 34 and change and it was at this April 5k back in 2011. So... I have a lot of room for improvement.

    I am registered for a 5k in June, a Spartan Sprint in June, a HM in September and a 5k in October. I plan to do a series of 5 (2.6 mile) park runs this summer, a Pub Run in June and another 5k in October.
  • flnfrgge
    flnfrgge Posts: 34 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I ran my first 5K during the summer of 2012 as a bit of a challenge to myself. I fell off the wagon for about a year. Then ran my 3rd 5K in November of 2013. Unfortunately, I have this bad habit of not training unless I have a race "looming" over me. (I use the word looming only because that is my motivation.) Let's face it, I would much rather sit on the couch with a bag of potato chips and watch a good show or movie. Anyway, I run because it keeps me active, lowers my risk of diabetes, & helps me relieve stress. I am slow (PR in November 41:00ish) but, I figure slow moving is better than no moving. (Kinda my mantra right now)

    I plan to run at least one 5K this summer but, my next goal is a 10K that supports Parkinson's research as a tribute to my mom who has suffered with Parkinson's for just over 20 years.

    Looking forward to getting to know many of you.

  • joehink
    joehink Posts: 5 Member
    Anyone out there doing the Ky Derby mini/full marathon tomorrow? Weather should be great. This will be my 30th.
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    Hi all! My name is Heather and I did my first run on 8/1/12 - the day1 of Couch to 5K! At the end of the program I ran two 5Ks, my first in 40:18 and the second in 39:45. I felt soooo slow! I kept working on it and by January 2013 I had whittled my PR down to 35:17, but shortly thereafter I got pregnant and PRs - but not running - were put on hold. I went on to run 2 half marathons and numerous races while pregnant, and had my son in Sept 2013. I ran my first race post baby on Thanksgiving, a 5K in 38 ish and change and was disappointed to have gotten so slow again! But I am happy to report that this mmonth I PRed in both my half (2:24:57) and my 5K - 29:56, finally breaking 30. I always thought that would be impossible for me so I am still on a post race high.

    I do have trail races coming up but my next real race isn't until October, when I am running the Chicago Marathon (my first marathon).
  • iwannabinnarnia
    iwannabinnarnia Posts: 179 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm sort of a new "runner".. I completed a half marathon about 5 years ago and lost a toenail to it, so I was hesitant to try any further races. But recently I found a friend who is wanting to become active, and managed to scrape up the money to buy a good pair of professionally fitted running shoes and so now I'm tackling 5ks. I have 3 under my belt already, with my best time being just over 42 minutes. My goal is to be able to complete one in 30 minutes or less. I have a slight injury right now.. seems I have muscle rubbing my bone in my left hip. Will start steroids tonight. Next 5k is June 14th so hoping I'll be good as new by then and my goal for that is 35 minutes or less.
  • litsy3
    litsy3 Posts: 783 Member
    Hi all, I've been running for about 6 years and 'racing' for nearly 3, and like some of the posters above I sort of hate 5k too (it hurts). I'm better at longer distances (half to full marathon) but, then again, that's what I've always trained for so it's not surprising. So this summer I'm working on getting my 5k time more in line with my longer distance times. After that I will sort out my 10k time!