How much weight did you gain with your first baby?

moominpoo Posts: 31 Member
Non first time Mums just wondered how much weight you gained with your first?

I was 133lb in December when I found out I was pregnant- obviously I am over the moon but I have actually blown up like a balloon and am only 18 weeks. Gone up at least two dress sizes already!

I wasn't controlling my eating AT ALL for the first trimester but am now trying to stick to 1800 calories a day- is this too few? too many? Is it too late to make any difference?

Sorry for all the questions but I really don't want to turn into a whale and feel that by August I will be!!


  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    With my first I was overweight and lost 6 lbs first trimester. Started gaining after that, got diagnosed with GD put on a diet (well eating plan?) and gained 23 lbs total. My second I was not overweight when I started, didn't lose as much weight 1st tri, didn't have GD, gained 46 lbs. This pregnancy I started out weighing less than the last two times, I think I lost 1 lb first tri, and am on track to gain between 25-30 lbs (I'm 32 weeks and have gained 18ish lbs).

    1800 sounds like too few calories to me, but I have no clue - if you're super short you need less calories than taller people, so who knows. I would use one of the online pregnancy calculators ladies usually post in here (someone posted another one in a thread today I think and I'm going to see how many calories they thinkI should be eating!). I wouldn't try to make up for gaining too much already, but I would try to eat more sensibly here on out. (I was guilty of this! I was 19/20 weeks around Christmas, so I overate at Thanksgiving, then Christmas, then my daughter's birthday - now I'm trying to make sure I don't make excuses for myself).

    Has a third time mom I really don't think there's a way to avoid feeling like a whale! LOL My sweet dear husband asked me two days ago if I was sure there was only one baby in me. I feel HUGE. He tells me he's not sure how I don't topple. And I haven't even gained the crazy weight I did with my second!

    DO NOT DIET, just eat well from here on out and have good eating habits after baby and you'll lose the weight then. Try not to stress too much. (Easy to say hard to do). I've gained a reasonable amount and I've gained a much higher amount than my doctor wanted me to (on my 5'2" frame that was borderline overweight she was not impressed with 46 lbs) and you know what?Still felt like a whale and still lost the weight both times. Don't beat yourself up, you're pregnant. Hope this helps.

    Edit to add another mommy posted this one on her home page today: Holy crap, this surprised me how many calories it said for 3rd tri! I guess I need more ice cream. Wasn't expecting it that high. On a funny note my OB told me at my first apt to make sure I'm eating 800 calories above normal. I about freaked out. I was still breastfeeding my 8/9 month old daughter at the time so she said 500 for that and 300 for pregnancy. Yeah, morning sickness + 800 more calories a day? Ha!
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    DO NOT DIET, just eat well from here on out and have good eating habits after baby and you'll lose the weight then. Try not to stress too much. (Easy to say hard to do).
    I can't stress this enough. I am six feet tall and started at 212 when I was pregnant with my first, had the positive test in June 2012. When I gave birth in February 2013 I was up to 255. At my six week postpartum visit I was down to 225. I then went up to 235 due to post partum depression and other issues and stayed there. Got pregnant again, positive test September 2013. I am pretty much on the same track as last time and I have gained about 20 pounds. I only know that because one nurse didn't listen to me and told me my weight. I don't look at the scale at the doctor's office - it's good to be mindful of what you're eating but not limiting your calories. I've had days where I've eaten 3,000 calories or had a few snacks after dinner and haven't tracked. So what.

    I have said this before but I have a couple friends who underate and worked out like crazy their entire pregnancies, each gained 60-80 lbs. We have very little control over how much we gain, especially once the first trimester is over. My doctors have never told me how much to gain, what to eat or anything like that. As long as I'm not up 10 pounds in two weeks they don't care.

    I wouldn't be trying to stick to a certain calorie amount unless you're trying to get a MINIMUM. My doula yelled at me for not eating enough because I was feeling crappy and tired. My goal is 2400 - sometimes I go over and sometimes I am under but I don't worry about it. I just want a healthy baby and have enough to stress out about with a toddler and working. There is plenty of time to lose weight after your baby is born! :-)
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    I am six feet tall

    Can I just say how jealous I am of tall people? You get to eat so much more! I either need to start being more active (haha, maybe after baby) or grow a few inches to support my sugar habits (which I try to keep under control!). It's not that I don't get enough calories to be satisfied (I'm talking non pregnant dieting), I am, I just want to pig out. I've been looking into everyone's lift heavy eat like a trucker thing. OMG the breakfast foods I would consume... And the desserts...

    I don't know why I wrote all this, I need to eat some breakfast!
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    I gained 36lbs with my first baby. I started at a healthy weight/BMI, pigged out during my first tri, mostly on carbs (I was starving all the time and Triscuits were satisfying and easy to sneak at my desk at work). Starting in the second tri when my appetite went back to normal I started logging again, and I set my calorie goal to maintenance and updated every now and then. It seemed to work for me as I gained the "right" amount. I ate mostly healthy, and exercised right up to my due date (and I ate back my exercise calories).

    I'll be 15w tomorrow, and I haven't logged much this pregnancy. This time around I had nausea that some times lasted all day, and the only thing that really settled my stomach was carbs, so my weight is a bit higher than I'd like, but I'm not too concerned about it. I've just recently begun to exercise regularly again, the nausea kept me away from the gym most of the winter, and the weather kept me indoors quite a bit.

    My current calorie goal is 1800 which is what I'm given for maintenance, although I think it's time to update that number, and as I said above I haven't really been logging much so far. Right now I'm just focusing on healthy choices, and getting back to my pre-pregnancy activity level. I tend to find myself more hungry on the days I log my food, maybe because I spend all day thinking about calories? On the days I don't log I really don't feel like I'm over eating, but I'm way more satisfied because I'm not worrying about every bite I take.

    Don't worry, I'm sure you haven't "blown up like a balloon"! I'm not big enough for maternity clothes yet, I'm still in regular clothes, and the jeans I have that currently fit are a size bigger as well as a more generous cut than my pre-pregnancy size (and they're getting snug in the waist). I'm actually looking forward to being able to wear proper maternity clothes because they're so much more comfortable. Come on, belly! :laugh:

    I agree with Spunkychelsea, I don't think there's a way to avoid feeling like a whale. It's just one of those things that comes with being pregnant! And besides, we all had "fat days" prior to becoming pregnant, it only makes sense that we'll feel large and in charge while we're pregnant, too!

    Just do your best to eat healthy and stay active, and your body will do what it needs to do to keep you and baby healthy. :flowerforyou:
  • marleylouhou
    marleylouhou Posts: 6 Member
    I'm about 5'8 and started around 160 with my first baby. Gained a total of about 35 pounds or so. I was two weeks past due and just stopped counting at my due date. hahaha. THIS time around I'm heavier (bummer) so I'd like to kind of just maintain the weight I'm at. I've gained about 10 pounds and am right around 182 right now. Started back up on MFP so that I could better monitor what I'm eating. It's only day two and I can see that I'm needing to make some major changes. hahaha. Thats why I love thsi site though! Heading to the grocery store this weekend for some much needed healthy food.
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    Its funny, I gained 45 lbs with both my first and second, but they were drastically different pregnancies! With the first, I was really unhealthy. I'm 5'4" and I was about 150 when I got pregnant with my first, so a little overweight. Besides that, I had been smoking for 10 years (since I was 15) and normally worked 10 hour days, would get home after midnight, and drink a few beers/chain smoke before bed. I quit everything cold turkey of course, but my eating was out of control. I ate mostly healthy food, but giant portions. Like half a can of almonds and 4 oz of cheese with grapes for a serving! I had no idea how many calories I was consuming. I thought since I was making healthy choices, that that was good enough. By 24 weeks, my ankles blew up and stayed swollen until after I'd given birth. I got horrible carpal tunnel in my wrists and I worked with tiny things at a manufacturing plant, so it was just terrible! Finally, at 41 weeks, my blood pressure sky rocketed and I had to have an induction, which ended well enough except my placenta came out in chunks, and I had to be rushed up to have a D and C to stop the bleeding (get the retained placenta out). I am convinced all of this was because of my unhealthy lifestyle beforehand.

    I got on weight watchers, started running and doing tae bo, got down into the 130's and stayed there until my next pregnancy. I worked out throughout my next pregnancy...walking 3-4 miles most days. Kept up with the tae bo for a while. Ate really healthy (except for the holidays, which I was pregnant for all of them! lol ) So some indulging, but over all, very healthy! I STILL gained 45 lbs!!! swelling, no high blood pressure, no placenta problems. I lost over 30lbs in the first 6 months, too, and was immediately working out again within weeks of giving birth. It took me a whole year to get back to pre-pregnancy weight (because I was nursing and refused to eat at a deficit), so I just had to really work out hard.

    So, this time around, I have no illusions of not gaining much! lol I would LOVE to only gain 35lbs, but I'm not going to diet and I'm not going to beat myself up for gaining more. The important thing is eating healthy food and exercising to keep your heart and body strong. :)
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I didn't read through the comments, just glanced - but enough to see that you have already been warned about being too strict. Don't restrict yourself. Eat healthy and be sure to eat enough. Go for extra walks. It will not only help you keep your muscles in shape, keep your shape and help you to stay fit - but it helps when labor time comes.

    With my first, I gained like 50lbs but, within 6 weeks of birth I had lost almost 30. I lost the onyher 20 plus a lot more before I was finished breastfeeding. About the time my daughter was a year old, I was in the best shape and was the lowest weight of my adult life.
    Only I am to blame for what happened after that - I gained almost 70 lbs between that time and getting pregnant with this one. So, now, I am starting out weighing even more than I did with my first. I am a little concerned about gaining too much - I really don't want to gain 50lbs again - but I know I can take it off after too and will not restrict myself in any way that will hurt my baby.
  • jr235
    jr235 Posts: 201 Member
    I gained about 30lbs with my first. I had horrible morning sickness through the first trimester, and was still throwing up on occasion up until the last week of my pregnancy. Although I did gain an appropriate amount of weight I got a lot of comments, especially from my delivery nurse, acting as if I didn't. From about 6 months on I would get a LOT of comments that I was too small. My doctor told me I was fine and baby was measuring fine, but I was still worried.

    I lost 15lbs pretty much instantly, another 5 within the the next few weeks, and had to work for the remaining 10. I managed to lose another 10 on top of that, but gradually gained it plus the 5 back. Urgh! So I'm about 10-15lbs heavier starting this pregnancy than my last.

    I lost my weight with light exercise and BFing. BFing was a good motivator for me to eat very healthy and get lots of fluids. I did quite a bit of walking, either with the stroller or on my treadmill while the little one was napping. I would do some yoga/pilates sometimes while she was awake.
  • HeyNikkita
    HeyNikkita Posts: 147 Member
    I gained 50 lbs with my first... I went from 180 to 165 then all the way to 235 by delivery... I made poor diet/exercise choices. I was sooooo edematous my legs were like tree trunks before I delivered because of all the fluid in them. I lost about 30 pounds in the first month after delivery without effort (mostly baby/placenta and then the retained fluids).

    I breastfed for just under a year and was back to about 185 by 6 months.

    THIS TIME: I started around pre-preg at 190, I am 25 weeks and 196. I have been very mindful about my diet and exercise. I net about 1800 calories a day (so I will eat 1800-2300 depending on my exercise that day).
    I told my OB my goal is no more than 15 pounds (I fall into the obese category). We are all on the same page about weight gain. I walk/yoga/Tracy Anderson at least 5 days a week.

    It's not too late. Talk to your doc or NMW about appropriate weight gain. I promise goal-setting will get you several answers about intake.
  • Nique85
    Nique85 Posts: 105 Member
    With my first I gained over 50lbs. I started at 185-190lbs ended pregnancy weighing 248. I was also very swollen. I didn't eat bad food choices but I ate a lot! Too much of a good thing can also be bad. I'm sure I was netting around 2500- 3000 calories a day. I was eating small meal that were very high in calories. And a lot of salty food which made me retain a ton of water. In the first week I lost 25lbs, then I lost another 15lbs and stayed that way. I could never loss those last 15lbs. Now I'm pregnant starting at 207 and I'm really watching my weight and what I eat this time. My gaining isn't even close to what I did with my first.
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    I gained 15 pounds with my first but 40 with my second. Most of my pregnancies have been a gain of around 25 pounds though. 1800 is a fine goal if you are short like me (5'2"). I try for a 1800 to 2000 goal. Your food choices are more important than the calories content to me. I will eat 2500 calories of healthy, non processed foods over 1800 calories of crap any day. Exercise is important for a healthy pregnancy and an easier labour. Yoga was my best friend! Staying active is a good thing. There are some great pregnancy DVD's or even check youtube.
  • rhye
    rhye Posts: 104 Member
    I think I gained about 15 lbs with my first. It was all gone the day after delivery. But I was already 250lbs before pregnancy so I definitely didn't need more than that.
  • harmonyhoran
    harmonyhoran Posts: 48 Member
    I was 130lb when I got pregnant in May 2011 and gained 40lb. I had been kind of fit and semi-healthy but was so worried about the baby dislodging or whatever during the first few weeks that I stopped running and was pretty casual with my exercise. I didn't watch my eating either. I got soo hungry second semester. I lost all that weight without much effort but put on 10lb after I finished breastfeeding my son at 12 months. This was a shock for me to be heavier than pre-preg weight after losing it so I've worked pretty hard in the last 6 month with eating and fitness and managed to lose 20lb so I am lighter than I was pre-preg at 123lb. I'm determined to keep fit and do what I can, as well as watch my eating now that I know better about portions/intake/outtake etc (thanks mfp!) I'm only 5 weeks along so am not feeling an preg-symptoms yet which is nice. I just don't want to gain more than I need to because I'm not overweight but I know I need to gain a bit. Lets see how it all goes!
  • moominpoo
    moominpoo Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks for taking the time to reply ladies- so varied - just goes to show all pregnancies are different.

    My maintenance is 1700 (or was pre pregnancy) so I moved it up to 1800 but clearly go over some days. I think I just need to just stop reaching for the sugary/carby snacks all the time when I am tired.

    I do yoga but am scared to do anything strenuous as I had a subchorionic hematoma in my first trimester and was on bed rest for two weeks (also didn't help with weight gain I'm sure!) x
  • mrsomeara
    mrsomeara Posts: 67 Member
    I gained about 33 lbs with my first. I am 5'2, I started out at 142 lbs and was 175 lbs at 40 weeks. I had an easy pregnancy and exercised all the way up to 37 weeks. I walked, did the elliptical, Summer Sanders prenatal workout video, and water aerobics. The only reason I stopped is because I became really sick. I lost 17 lbs within the first 3 weeks but that was it. I wasn't one of those lucky women who lost weight quickly from breastfeeding ;-) It ended up taking me 13 months to lose ALL of the baby weight. And then I got pregnant again. Ha!

    This time around I am working out harder (still doing Jillian Michael's Body Revolution) and using MFP to track my calories. I am still in the 1st trimester (almost 10 weeks) and just recently bumped my calories to "maintenance" which puts me at 1,820 a day. I lost 5 lbs in the beginning and I am still down a little over 4 lbs. I am hoping to not gain more than 30 this go around.

    I try and make a valid effort to get in as much fresh food (fruits and veggies) as I can but some days I just want to snack on junk (hence the Easter candy on my desk at this very moment!). Dinners are the hardest for me because that is when I feel the most nauseous and have the biggest food aversions.

    I am just so thankful for MFP, this group and like minded women :happy:
  • mrsomeara
    mrsomeara Posts: 67 Member
    "Exercise is important for a healthy pregnancy and an easier labour. Yoga was my best friend! Staying active is a good thing. There are some great pregnancy DVD's or even check youtube."

    ^^^^So true!^^^

    I definitely contribute my continued exercise and healthy eating habits throughout my entire pregnancy for why I had such an easy labor and delivery. I was fit to deliver :wink:
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    I ate 1800calories per day with my son and I had started at 185lbs, 5'4". I gained 10-15lbs or maybe give or take one lol I can't remember, but no more than 16. When he was delivered, I weighed 184lbs after, so less than I started! That was my second pregnancy. With my first pregnancy, I was 19/20 and knew nothing about calorie counting...not enough anyway. I gained 60lbs or more! I blew up from about 140-150 to over 200lbs. Insane! However, that said, I did eat a whole half gallon container of Edy's ice cream, AFTER dinner ;) Check out the calorie needs for your height and weigh using a calorie calculator. This one is for pregnancy, but I tend to take off 100 or 200 calories when I use it. I would actually suggest using this one instead eating maintenance for the first trimester, adding 100-200 calories per day to that during the second and another 100-200 per day during the third. For example, mine says I need 1782calories per day to maintain my weight. I would eat about 1700-1800 per day during the first trimester, probably about 1800-2000calories during the second trimester and 1900-2200 during the third trimester. I attempt to stay on the low end, if I can, but this way gives me more space to figure out what is best for me. (100 calorie range, 200 calorie range and then 300 calorie range to try to meet). Good luck!
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    First pregnancy I gained about 45lbs, last pregnancy (fifth) I gained 15lb. I learned a lot along the way.
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    16lbs or 6lbs..
    I started at 210, lost 10 then gained to 216. Day of delivery I was 212