New Here

Hi I'm Isabella and I just joined this group. I'm really excited to be in a group with people who have the same goals as me. My current weight is 157, and I started at 160. I'm hoping to get down to 140-135 by June 20th. I'm just looking for support and answers to any questions but I hope to be able to help out you guys as well. I'm excited for us to all transform into the women we want to be. That being said, I do have a question. I haven't had time to dedicate myself to long cardio workouts so I have been eating at a deficit and doing 10 minutes of moderate cardio and 20-30 minutes of lifting on a targeted area (varies each day). I worry that I should be doing more cardio or else results won't come. Has anyone been losing weight by doing something like this? Thanks!


  • notthatNaomi
    Hi Isabella , there are weeks where I do absolutely no cardio and I've lost weight consistently every week since I joined this group about 5 wks ago. There was one weigh in where I "gained" a few lbs, but I had eaten a lot of "junk food" and was retaining water that week -it came off by the next weigh in.
    I hate cardio because I get so bored so normal for me is to run/jog maybe 10-15 mins once or twice a week. If I do it twice a week, I consider that a lot. lol
    I've been doing these 30 day videos I found on youtube from Lionsgate BeFit. I did the 30 day butt challenge first, and am now doing the abs one and the HIIT Fit one, but only have a couple more days left. Then, I've got to find something else to do.

    Diet is so important. For years, I was the definition of someone trying to out exercise a bad diet and it never worked. Some weeks, I would probably spend at least 10 hours doing classes at the gym/doing tons of cardio and never really lose weight because I ate way too much.
    Now, I may spend 3 or 4 hrs/week working out and eating less and am losing weight. It's coming off very slowly now, but I'm doing it this way to make a permanent change.

    Maybe for some people long cardio workouts are needed to lose weight, but that's not the case for me. I think if you really focus on your diet and continue doing what you're doing, you'll continue to see progress.

    Oh, another thing...I know whether to eat back exercise calories or not is big thing on here. I keep track of how much I exercise, but don't try to figure out how many calories I burned/don't have a heart rate monitor or anything like that. I just have a weekly calorie goal that I am for and eat accordingly.
  • isabellabrunooo
    Thanks, I think I'm pretty much doing the same thing. And its only my first week but I've lost two pounds so I guess I should stick with it!