Bed rest :(

avielosesit Posts: 79 Member
So I was diagnosed with two subchorionic hematomas and have been on bed rest since 7 weeks. I'm just a few days shy of 10 weeks now.

I have been having weekly scans and baby is looking healthy! At 9w1d we had a 172 heart rate and lots of movement.

Obviously the most important thing to me is listening to the doctor and making sure the hematomas resolve. But I need to confess - I'm bored! I wanted so badly to have an active, healthy pregnancy and pictured myself jogging along the waterfront paths in my neighbourhood. I know that isn't a reality now and so I should let it go... And who knows, maybe I will come off bedrest in the second or third tri and then can go for nice long walks.

But really I am terrified of ballooning up. I am being really careful of what I eat - making sure it is enough but not too much. Which I am sure you can all appreciate is tough. Some days it is a success and others not so much.

Anyone else on bedrest? Trying to keep level headed and thinking about the big picture :)

Ps - have never watched so much tv and netflix in my life! Lol


  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    My cousin was on bed rest from about 10 weeks until delivery (incompetent cervix). I know she got really crafty. Learned to knit & crochet. Also picked up a bunch of canvases and painted stuff for the nursery. I won't lie, It was bad. But there was no hope of it ending, and she was told ALL pregnancies would be like that. This time around they're actually using a surrogate.

    As for the food, she gave her mom a list of things she wanted to eat and her mom did all the food shopping and preparation. So as long as she didn't put "bad foods" on the list, she didn't get them! That helped. I do know each week for the doctors appointment she had a treat of sorts, since she was out. But other than that it was a lot of very simple foods that could be eaten straight out of the mini-fridge next to her bed.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I have a friend who was put on bed rest at 9 weeks and had to stay flat on her back her whole pregnancy. She had a midwife and the midwife did home checkups so she never even got to go somewhere for appts.
    She gained a normal amount of weight and had a very healthy and pretty quick delivery and baby was perfect.
    Closest I have ever had to that experience was being strapped to a bed for 3 weeks when I hurt my neck. I had a neck brace and was not allowed to move at all, not even turn my head. I found lots of cool designs in the texture of the ceiling, lol.
    Try something you can do lying in bed. Working on a baby scrapbook? Knitting booties for baby? I don't know.
  • mrsomeara
    mrsomeara Posts: 67 Member
    I am am not on bed rest but I just wanted to give you kudos for still logging and trying to stay on track. You deserve a pat on the back! I can only imagine how hard this must be for you. I hope you'll be able to get up and moving by the 2nd trimester. Sending healthy vibes your way.
  • HeyNikkita
    HeyNikkita Posts: 147 Member
    Not on bed rest but wanted to share my sympathy for you!
  • moominpoo
    moominpoo Posts: 31 Member
    I had the same thing happen to me at about 10/11 weeks- it was so horrible and scary! :flowerforyou:

    Luckily by 13 weeks the hematoma had been absorbed- but I hated being on bed rest and I am sure I grew an extra backside because of it- obviously it was all for the good of my baby so it clearly worked.

    I did a lot of research and found that eating loads of vitamin K rich foods (for blood clotting) like spinach and kale helps, and also vitamin C (for wound healing). I lived on fruit smoothies and drank tonnes of water. It may be a coincidence but I truly believe it didn't do any harm in making things better.