Need More PCOS friends

TLC7613 Posts: 86 Member
Hey Y'all! I was diagnosed with PCOS, insulin resistency and a fatty liver a few years ago and shoved it off because I thought ehh, whatever I'm not trying to get pregnant or lose weight anyways. Type 2 diabetes and pancreatic cancer and ovarian cancer runs in my family. My favorite uncle who had type 2 diabetes died of pancreatic and it's been a bit of an eye opener for me. I've since then had a miscarriage and gained even more weight! I'm 5'4" and my biggest weight was 215. I had a miscarriage last year and it destroyed me. You never know how much you want something once it's been taken from you. I've since then been able to drop down to 195 (yay out of the 200's) and my husband and I have set a "plan" on when we would like to try and conceive again. I LOVE my friends that I have on MFP and they are so supportive, even more so then my friends in real life etc. I can come here and vent and whine without people getting tired of hearing it, because they are all going through the same thing too! As supportive and wonderful as my MFP friends are, I have very few PCOS friends, and THOSE type of friends are like gold! When I talk about my struggle with losing weight, most people don't understand how much harder it is for people like "us".
So anywhoo, now that I've spilled my guts and told you some of my background, I'm looking for some supportive PCOS friends! I'm a blast (or I'd like to think I am lol) and I'm pretty active on here, posting status' and commenting etc.
Feel free to add me!!!