Overweight, losing during pregnancy



  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    My daughter (fifth child) is now five months, but I was overweight when starting out my pregnancy with her. At 207lbs I was obese for my height (5ft 5"). I set my calories to maintenance, ate healthily and continued to exercise. I took a good pregnancy multivitamin and always ate at least half of my exercise calories. I was eating over 2000 calories a day and continued to lose weight like that until I hit 20 weeks. I didn't change the way I ate at that point nor increased my calories, but I guess baby was growing and I was naturally starting to slow down. From that low point at 20 weeks to the end of my pregnancy I gained 15lbs. I ended the pregnancy at 40 weeks around the same weight I was when starting the pregnancy. I was so much healthier at the end than at the beginning. I'm just saying that it's possible, under supervision, to continue to lose a bit of weight safely during the first and second trimester. Do run it by your healthcare supervisor though and be sensible about it.
  • kalyrra
    kalyrra Posts: 672 Member
    I have an OB appt tomorrow, and I'll be running it by her. My OB is pretty laid back, though, so I'm sure she'll say it's fine. I was in the "obese" category anyway. I'm taking a good prenatal vitamin and trying to make sure that I'm getting a well-rounded selection of foods in when I do actually feel like eating.

    The past couple days, my morning sickness wasn't quite as bad, so I'm hoping over the next week or two, it will subside altogether. I'm still losing weight, though. I've lost 10 lbs since my last appointment, 4 weeks ago. I still think that one of the biggest reasons is because I changed eating styles. No more candy, junk food, or regular soda. I usually lose about 10-15 lbs whenever I get back on the wagon and cut all that junk out.

    I checked on MFP's goal settings, and it says maintenance for me is around 2300 calories??!! That can't be right, can it? lol On the other calculator that was posted here, it says around 1900 calories for 1st Tri for me. 2300 for 3rd Tri. I'm more inclined to believe that one.
  • MandyMason7
    MandyMason7 Posts: 185 Member
    I'm 5'7", I was 185 pre-pregnancy and am down to 168 at 32 weeks. Dr isn't concerned because baby is healthy, he does comment about how I've lost weight at every appointment but the second I lay back so he can do my exam his first words are always "baby is DEFINITELY growing" and then we once again discuss my exercise routine (non-impact kickboxing twice a week, Zumba once a week, the elliptical 2-3 times a week, and walking for a minimum of an hour 5 days a week). I am being sent for a growth ultrasound next week just to confirm that baby is where he should be but I'm not expecting any issues.
  • Momma2CharlieJane
    Momma2CharlieJane Posts: 142 Member
    It sounds low, but if you aren't feeling hungry or purposely not eating more to avoid gaining weight, you should be fine. You may find that you'll want to up your calories when you get to the third trimester. I haven't really gained all that much weight, but I am eating healthy and my MW is happy with the baby's growth so far. I'm not exercising (the weather is starting to get nicer now though) so I don't feel like I have the constant hunger pain like I did with my first (I walked a ton when I was pg with her). I'm spreading out my meals and snacks and am trying to eat high protein foods - I had diabetes with my first and though I passed the three hour test this time around, I still have to really watch what I eat because I can tell when my sugar is higher than it should be. As long as your doctor isn't concerned, then you should be good. She should be able to tell you what she thinks you should be eating for calories a day.
  • JennypegMarie
    JennypegMarie Posts: 133 Member
    I'm in the same situation as you guys,

    I'm 5"4 and 195lbs my calories was set at 1400, I've increased to 1500 but eating more like 1600.. Because I'm so hungry.

    I'm not going to change my numbers but eat until I'm satisfied because it is so hard knowing what to do when you've been obese and needing to lose weight. No one wants there baby's growth to suffer but dr's don't seem to help in this avenue.

    My midwife was happy for me to remain on here, but to increase by a few hundred.

    I am now 13 wks and into my 2nd trimester I haven't gained anything yet. I believe that will come though!. Congrats to any newly pregnant MFP peeps!
  • kalyrra
    kalyrra Posts: 672 Member
    I'm sorry there are others struggling the same way I am... but it's nice to know I'm not alone! :)

    We had our first ultrasound today, baby is doing great. My OB wasn't concerned about my low caloric intake. She said that when I felt up to it, somewhere between 1800-2000 calories should be my target. But she's not concerned about the weight loss or nutrition at all, baby will still get what it needs.

    So I guess I'll just continue what I have been doing... eating when I'm hungry and able, and not worry about it when I'm nauseous or not hungry. The morning sickness will pass eventually, and I know my appetite will return. lol
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    I'm 5'4" and to maintain or not gain a lot during pregnancy..I eat about 1500-1700 during the first trimester, 1700-1800 during the second trimester and 1800-1900 (or 2000 if I feel like it lol) during the third trimester... I have never started a pregnancy even close to 200lbs and I am shorter, so I would think you need at least what I do.. However, everyone is different. I recommend bumping up to 1700+ calories at least.. at least eat healthy and don't deprive yourself if you are actually hungry. Good luck.
  • kalyrra
    kalyrra Posts: 672 Member
    Well, the morning sickness is finally almost gone. Just random flare ups now and then... my weight has mostly stabilized, with minor fractions of loss here and there. I think that's more from eating healthy than deprivation, though. When I'm hungry, I eat. When I'm not, I don't. I'm averaging more around 1500-1600 calories now instead of the 12-1300 when I was sick.
  • TheNewoImproved
    TheNewoImproved Posts: 72 Member
    I'm really grateful for this thread. I'm pregnant with my first child and I'm overweight. I'm terribly worried about losing, gaining, working out, not working out, etc. I know that a doctor could give me good advice, but it's just nice to know there are others in the same boat.
  • kalyrra
    kalyrra Posts: 672 Member
    I'm really grateful for this thread. I'm pregnant with my first child and I'm overweight. I'm terribly worried about losing, gaining, working out, not working out, etc. I know that a doctor could give me good advice, but it's just nice to know there are others in the same boat.

    Congrats! Most doctors will probably give you the same advice. Don't intentionally cut calories, eat healthy, and do moderate exercise like walking, swimming, etc... that isn't too strenuous (if you weren't already working out consistently), and nothing that could cause you to fall (skiing, etc...)

    When are you due?
  • TheNewoImproved
    TheNewoImproved Posts: 72 Member
    I'm really grateful for this thread. I'm pregnant with my first child and I'm overweight. I'm terribly worried about losing, gaining, working out, not working out, etc. I know that a doctor could give me good advice, but it's just nice to know there are others in the same boat.

    Congrats! Most doctors will probably give you the same advice. Don't intentionally cut calories, eat healthy, and do moderate exercise like walking, swimming, etc... that isn't too strenuous (if you weren't already working out consistently), and nothing that could cause you to fall (skiing, etc...)

    When are you due?

    Thank you so much! I love to swim so I look forward to still being able to well into my pregnancy. I'm due Dec 5th, so I've got a LONG way to go :smile:
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    Well, the morning sickness is finally almost gone. Just random flare ups now and then... my weight has mostly stabilized, with minor fractions of loss here and there. I think that's more from eating healthy than deprivation, though. When I'm hungry, I eat. When I'm not, I don't. I'm averaging more around 1500-1600 calories now instead of the 12-1300 when I was sick.
    I'm glad to read that the sickness is stopping or stopped. I never had anything besides nausea. I never actually had vomiting... with any pregnancy. Do what works for you to at least maintain most of your weight. Losing a little is okay, as long as you don't aim for it. Besides that, everyone's metabolism is different and mine may just be quicker than yours, which is why I eat more, even though I'm shorter and I weigh less.. Good luck :)
  • kalyrra
    kalyrra Posts: 672 Member
    Well, the morning sickness is finally almost gone. Just random flare ups now and then... my weight has mostly stabilized, with minor fractions of loss here and there. I think that's more from eating healthy than deprivation, though. When I'm hungry, I eat. When I'm not, I don't. I'm averaging more around 1500-1600 calories now instead of the 12-1300 when I was sick.
    I'm glad to read that the sickness is stopping or stopped. I never had anything besides nausea. I never actually had vomiting... with any pregnancy. Do what works for you to at least maintain most of your weight. Losing a little is okay, as long as you don't aim for it. Besides that, everyone's metabolism is different and mine may just be quicker than yours, which is why I eat more, even though I'm shorter and I weigh less.. Good luck :)

    Believe it or not, I never had vomiting either... not with this one, nor my first. Just really bad nausea to the point where I couldn't even stomach the smell of food, or drink anything without thinking I was actually going to throw up.

    I've maintained my weight for over a week now, so happy with that. Lost a total of 15 and a half lbs before it finally slowed and stopped. My appetite is definitely coming back, so I'm a little more relaxed now and a lot less concerned! I certainly wasn't TRYING to lose weight.

    I wish I had a good metabolism! I have the metabolism of a tree sloth. :laugh: Even when I was extremely active in sports, etc... I had to be very careful of what I ate, because I can gain 15 lbs in 2 weeks if I'm not watching what I put in my mouth.