Summer Challenge! - For a burst of Motviation



  • amw5471
    amw5471 Posts: 111 Member
    Did anyone else weigh in today? I lost 1.6 lbs which makes me .2 lbs from my Easter goal! Very happy with that result but I will not be changing my mini goals because with this burst of loss I may plateau for a bit.
  • Cmatamoros
    Cmatamoros Posts: 35 Member
    Well what a busy weekend. However I managed to stay on or below calorie levels. So that was wonderful. I'm trying to hold of a weight in until the week before Easter probably that Monday. Then see how well I've been doing. HOPEFULLY downa nother couple pounds! :)

    Congrats on the weight loss.

    I'm late to bed so quick post for today and this weekend!
  • changingL1sa
    changingL1sa Posts: 54 Member
    The scale is driving me nuts. Working out every day and I'm not losing, I'm gaining. Last week I was a couple hundred calories over most days so I didn't expect to see a loss, but I am starting to get frustrated. I've decided to put my scale away until May 1st and just keep with my plan. Going to be very strict about staying within my calories the next 3.5 weeks. Wish me luck! :)
  • changingL1sa
    changingL1sa Posts: 54 Member
    @amw5471 Congrats on the loss! So close to your goal and you still have over a week to go! Keep it up :)
  • Loreigh
    Loreigh Posts: 20 Member
    I'm happy to report that last week I lost 4.4 lbs. It was a complete surprise too. I came down with a cough so was drinking alot of water to keep my throat from getting so dry. Plus I started taking a quick walk during my lunch breaks. Now to just keep up my water intake. This week I'm going to make a real effort to log my food and stay within my calories. Have a good week everyone.
  • Cmatamoros
    Cmatamoros Posts: 35 Member
    Wow! Great job! Keep it up!

    Even if you log not all great stuff logging is the best part as it helps us see what we're eating and makes us think twice or at least it does for me. You can do it!

    Thanks for posting!
  • amw5471
    amw5471 Posts: 111 Member
    Congrats Loreigh! That is an awesome accomplisment!
  • Cmatamoros
    Cmatamoros Posts: 35 Member
    I'm starting to slip and need a boost or something. i gave into fondue and bread bites last friday and then last night, tater tots! Ack!

    My 19yo was so cute we went to breakfast Sunday and I started to eat my toast she took it out of my hand and said "uhh no, I've seen you thin you look great I'll help you get there again" lol. My fiance' said "i wish I could do that and not get snipped at" shakes head...yeah my 19yo was slightly pushing it but she did it in love I know that. lol.
  • Cmatamoros
    Cmatamoros Posts: 35 Member
    Well ladies, my Abuela (grammie of 96) just got out of the hospital and is going into hospice care. I've been going back and forth on this...and have decided to take a road trip to go see her immediately! So wish me luck on the restaurant trip of being strong with my food choices! I may not be logged on for the next 3-4 days. I'll be back on Monday though. Hope you are all doing well with your fitness and nutrition! Keep it the great work ladies!
  • amw5471
    amw5471 Posts: 111 Member
    Sorry to hear about your grandmother, that is never an easy thing, my family went through that this winter. My thoughts are with you and your family.

    I weighed in this morning and had a stagnant week. I'm totally okay with that though because the last 2 weeks I've lost about 5 lbs. I was expecting a bit of a weak weigh in. Good luck to everyone in the coming week!
  • amw5471
    amw5471 Posts: 111 Member
    Sorry to hear about your grandmother, that is never an easy thing, my family went through that this winter. My thoughts are with you and your family.

    I weighed in this morning and had a stagnant week. I'm totally okay with that though because the last 2 weeks I've lost about 5 lbs. I was expecting a bit of a weak weigh in. Good luck to everyone in the coming week!

    I'm amending my post because I ended up weighing again Sunday morning and hit 163.8 lbs. Thinking it was a fluke I weighed again this morning and to my suprise the scale was still sitting at 163.8. So I have officially met my Easter goal! Hope everyone has a lovely week, I am headed to Texas on Tuesday!
  • changingL1sa
    changingL1sa Posts: 54 Member
    With Easter weekend approaching, how are you guys planning on sticking to your calories etc. with all of the temptation (chocolate! lol)? I'm definitely going to be more conscious of what I'm eating this weekend, but if I want to eat some mini eggs I'm going to...and I'm going to try to not feel badly about it if they put me in the red...
  • amw5471
    amw5471 Posts: 111 Member
    With Easter weekend approaching, how are you guys planning on sticking to your calories etc. with all of the temptation (chocolate! lol)? I'm definitely going to be more conscious of what I'm eating this weekend, but if I want to eat some mini eggs I'm going to...and I'm going to try to not feel badly about it if they put me in the red...

    While it is now after Easter I try to apply the same rules to every situation. I try to eat healithy 75% of the time. I let myself go 25% of the time. This allows me to feel like I'm not missing out and still make progress. I also will sometimes restrict my calories more if I know I will be having a big meal, lots of treats, or even drinking alcohol!
  • Cmatamoros
    Cmatamoros Posts: 35 Member
    Well I fell off the eating wagon and disappeared. My date is now set for August 31st! Venue booked so no more excuses! Signing up for a gym today as the at home workouts don't happen with 4 kids. So hopefully if I HAVE tob e somewhere I can make it work. I'm also going to vegetables and protein only no grains or sugar whatsoever. Here's hoping. I did meet my easter goal, but only becuase I dropped so much at first! BAD me!

    Okay here we go again. Is anyone still out there?
  • Jenniferckadell
    Jenniferckadell Posts: 4 Member
    Hey Christina glad we are back on board :D! Cant wait for the wedding! I am working hard and getting fit for it :D SO Friends anyone have any good leg workouts. I never wear shorts and tried some on yesterday and it wasnt pretty lets just say I wanted to cry :(... I am not just pale I carry my weight in my legs.. and Its funny I had my last of 5 kdis 5 years ago and lost a TON of weight after having him I looked amazing well I have gained about 20+ back and my legs are showing it. :( HELP give me some good leg workouts!!!