Overhead press in gym with limited equipment

beckty Posts: 118 Member
So, I am finally back on this program. But my biggest problem with the gym I go to (in a 12 month contract and it's convenient to my house. I am kind of out in the sticks) is that they only have ONE squat rack. So, it's tough to get a turn. I have to go at the right time in the evening. I can usually get a bench and I've used the smith (I know. I know. They have two of those though and I can get in) for the barbell row.

My question is this. On my o/h press day, is it poor gym etiquette to use the squat rack for both my squats and my presses? Because other wise, I don't know how else to do the exercise. They have a TON of dumbells, and a bunch of worthless preloaded barbells. But for free weight barbells? Only the one at the squat rack, one in the corner that's really long for doing dead lifts and other pull day type exercises, and then the barbells with the curl in them. I can't figure out how to make this work.


  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    I'm going to say no, it's not poor etiquette only because my gym is also tiny, also only has one power rack and has a total of 4 barbells (one of which is in the power rack) so I do the same thing! I use the power rack for everything except bench press because the weights room is really small and is over-packed with equipment so there's limited space even for people! I've tried to do deadlifts outside of the rack and the bar hits other equipment and/or has the potential to bang into someone else's shins so to spare them that, I keep it in the rack.

    Well hey, you're gym's a step ahead of mine - we don't even have preloaded barbells!
  • beckty
    beckty Posts: 118 Member
    Thanks for the input! I probably worry too much about breaking some "unwritten gym rule". And yes, my situation sounds at least a little less crowded! I'll hog the rack with confidence. ;)
  • beckty
    beckty Posts: 118 Member
    I did a quick google for "unwritten gym rules" just for fun and I found this.

    6) Squat Racks are for Squats – Unless you’re the only soul in the gym, don’t you dare do bicep curls in the squat or power rack, that’s an offense punishable by death in some states! Heavy rows, rack pulls, push presses and cleans are acceptable lifts, but never curls.

    I guess I am ok. :wink:
  • coltsgirl311
    coltsgirl311 Posts: 226 Member
    I do my OHPs in the (one) squat rack at my gym and have never gotten the stink eye, so I think you're OK! :)
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Same here, I'll use the power rack or squat rack for OHP. I *can* clean the weight up to my shoulders but sometimes it's nice to not have to do that when the weight gets heavier.

    And hey, I saw a guy using the squat rack AND bumper plates for biceps curls the other day. No one was waiting to use it, but still... -_-' I've also spotted an old dude doing dumbbell exercises in the power rack. That one had me scratching my head for a while.

    So Doing OHP in there isn't that bad at all!
  • beckty
    beckty Posts: 118 Member
    I've also spotted an old dude doing dumbbell exercises in the power rack. That one had me scratching my head for a while.

    That's just plain weird. :noway:
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    They have a TON of dumbells, and a bunch of worthless preloaded barbells.can't figure out how to make this work.

    Those 'worthless' preloaded barbells are perfect for those who can't quite lift the 45# bar. Or are great for warms up on rows or OHP if you have a lower working weight.

    They'd also work really well for you on the days you can't use the oly bar.
  • beckty
    beckty Posts: 118 Member
    They have a TON of dumbells, and a bunch of worthless preloaded barbells.can't figure out how to make this work.

    Those 'worthless' preloaded barbells are perfect for those who can't quite lift the 45# bar. Or are great for warms up on rows or OHP if you have a lower working weight.

    They'd also work really well for you on the days you can't use the oly bar.

    Oh ouch, sorry! I shouldn't have said it that way. Those frustrate me because the weight increases are annoying. They all jump up by 10 lbs and the ONE weight I would ever want on those is never available. The choices aren't good for me personally. But yes, I can see your point.