good morning everyone

good morning everyone. its nice to see you all. the snow has finally stopped here(for now) and i did get to burn some extra calories from shovelling snow. how do you burn your calories after a storm? do you do anything different and keep with the same routine. i have been pinned inside for 2 days, i may go for a walk.(fingers crossed). hope you all have a great day

p.s. if any of you would like to request friends for support you may do so.



  • patmoomur
    patmoomur Posts: 31 Member
    Bonnie, I've been quite a shut in during this long winter. I saw a news broadcast showing a tractor clearing a road. It was almost below the snow line. Poor you.
    We have an inside walking track here and I use that for $1. My housemate goes out walking rain or shine, cold or warm. He's is good shape needless to say. I've been watching movies and wasting time.