Keeping up with goals while studying for the bar

jovanna314 Posts: 6 Member
Hi everyone! I am a third year law student and I am finally reaching the end this law school journey. However, that means that very shortly I will begin preparing to take the July California Bar Exam. Any advice on ways to maintain your fitness regime and keep up with my weight loss goals while studying for the bar exam? If there anything any of you have found helpful in maintaining your health and sanity during this challenging time? Any advice would be greatly appreciated :smile:


  • When I was studying for the bar exam, I treated it like a full-time job, and made sure I did other things to keep myself sane! I would go to the library from 9-5 everyday (Monday-Friday) to do my studying, etc. I'd pack healthy snacks to take with me (the study rooms allowed eating). After I'd finish up studying for the day, I'd go home, eat dinner, and go to the gym. After the gym I'd review my notes one more time before settling in to read a book for fun and go to sleep (I had to read something non-law related before bed or I'd dream about what I studied!). On Saturdays I would study from like 12-5, and then hang out with my brother or friends in the evening, and on Sundays I tried to take more time to myself. I followed the study plan that Barbri laid out, but also tried not to stress too much. I did fine. Now, studying for the bar while working full time - still havent figured that out and I'm taking a second state bar this summer while working full time. *sigh* My plan is work out in the morning, go to work, and then study in the evenings.
  • jovanna314
    jovanna314 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for the advice :smile:
  • Elly1021
    Elly1021 Posts: 16 Member
    It may be a little late to respond to this, as you are probably deeply immersed in studying, but for what it's worth I took the CA bar last year and passed (thank heaven!). I agree with the above poster -- treat it like a job and grind it out.

    I would add that planning ahead as much as possible will make your life easier. The two weeks before the exam will be insane. You will probably be studying 16+ hours a day -- I know I was. Plan & shop for your meals well in advance, b/c it is extremely unlikely that you will have the mental energy to deal with it later. Aim for quick, easy, and nourishing. (Fish is supposed to be a good brain food.)

    As for exercise, depending on your Bar Prep course, you can multi-task by listening to lectures while you're on the treadmill or something like that. Every little bit counts!

    Good luck!