Just had my squish, first exercises?

clowmow Posts: 68 Member
Hello all, new here!
I had my little boy 15 days ago and am currently only 1 lb up from my pre pregnancy weight. (God knows how, with my first I was over a stone up after!)

I was just wondering what is safe and not safe to start doing exercise wise? It's mainly my wobbly post baby tum I want to tone!

I still would like to lose 14lbs which is the baby weight from my previous baby. I am not BF so don't need to take that into account food wise so really is just exercise.



  • mkcolombia
    mkcolombia Posts: 71 Member
    It all depends on how active you were before pregnancy and how hard delivery was. I usually start with walking, then walking carrying baby and increase time/length. Abs I usually wait awhile so that they have time to heal from stretching.

    However, a friend of mine was doing crossfit til the month before she gave birth and started back up 3 weeks PP

    I would say start slow and don't push yourself too hard!
  • clowmow
    clowmow Posts: 68 Member
    Thanks for the reply.
    I did lots of walking before and during pregnancy so will keep up with that for now :)
    Delivery was very straight forward and I feel fine so hopefully won't be too long before I can start up proper exercise again!
