biggirl1000 Posts: 189 Member
Welcome to the Purple Team. Let's get ready to rock this challenge!

My name is Michele (Biggirl1000). I live in beautiful British Columbia, Canada. I recently started a new job so I'm travelling more now and finding it difficult to keep up in the challenges. Hoping that by leading a team, I'll be more engaged in supporting others and getting some support from you! My goal is to lose 2 lbs/week during the challenge. What are your goals? How can the team members support you better?

Looking forward to getting to know you better. Please post an introduction and make sure to friend everyone on the purple team.

Our team is:


Remember - no matter what, the most important thing is to keep logging. Now, lets get started!

Good luck everyone!


  • CStellaGo
    CStellaGo Posts: 273 Member
    Hey Team Purple!!!!! My name is Crysta and I started my weight loss Journey on December 5th- it is a day I have not forgotten yet as things finally just clicked for me :) I have lost 22 pounds so far and have 21 more to go! I finally hit the half way point today! :) My goal is to lose 2 pounds a week to make my goal on time and I know that is going to be difficult especially since the weight loss will get harder as I get closer to a healthier weight. My main goal is to be at a healthy BMI and to feel good. My self confidence is already returning and I have a wonderful support system. We can do anything we put our minds together especially as a team!
  • Stagolee
    Stagolee Posts: 74 Member
    3 Months to go! it's gonna be easy! consider it a joyride to success :) right?

    Michelle - I travel 3-4 days a week. So, we have pretty much the same reasons for team accountability. Sometimes, it feels like my tues-thurs is the weekend.

    Crysta - That is awesome! 1/2 way there. I want a healthy BMI and to feel good. Can't wait to get there!

    I'm Matt. I 've had success before with 90 day challenges and am looking for a repeat. Healthy BMI, feeling comfortable in clothes I have, and having that 'fit' feeling. It will be easy!
  • biggirl1000
    biggirl1000 Posts: 189 Member
    Really hoping to get my motivation back.

    Crysta - that is awesome that you're at the 1/2 way point. You'll have your goal met before the end of the challenge.

    Matt - happy to hear that these challenges give you motivation. I did well in the first challenge I was in. Not so well in the second, but I started a new job and just had too much going on.

    I'm excited to be a team leader this time around. I found running the challenges that I didn't have time for anything more than calculating the results. Hope that we can support one another to our goals. What do you do to stick to your plan while travelling?

    Does anyone have any special motivation? I've booked a trip with my niece and nephew to Disneyworld and want to be in good shape for all the walking at end of August.
  • biggirl1000
    biggirl1000 Posts: 189 Member
    Week one of challenge well underway. How did everyone fare over the weekend?
  • SallyShooter
    SallyShooter Posts: 31 Member
    Hi, I'm Donna from PA. I have been doing MFP since October 2012.This is my 3rd or 4th Challenge, I've lost track. The New Year's Challenge was my most successful!

    My motivation at first was to avoid having to pay more in healthcare through work. The rest I guess is history since I'm almost 60 lbs down. Last April I joined a running club that trained me to run a 5K. Since then I've completed several of them. The last one I completed I shaved off 5 minutes from my previous time! My next goal is to complete a 10K which I'm hoping will happen the end of May.

    Someone in one of the other challenges wrote something that I'm trying to live by. "Don't give up what you want most for what you want right now." That has helped me in many situations in which I just wanted to eat, not necessarily because I was hungry.

    Hope to really have success for this challenge.
  • Netterpie72
    Hi, I'm Marci from IL. I'm pretty new to MFP, I've been on almost 2 weeks. I put on a lot of weight with my first 3 children then as they got a little older and I had more time, I took off 150 pounds. I maintained that until we had more, now I have 3 little ones again and some of that weight crept back on. I love to exercise but I am a full time stay at home mom that has been either pregnant or breastfeeding since 2009. I'm excited to get my body back, I've been exercising and eating much better and I'm already seeing and feeling the benefits. I joined because I was just having a hard time getting motivate and I am very goal oriented so this helps a lot.

    I'm looking forward to this challenge and getting to know everyone. I have about 60 pounds to get to where I will really feel good.
    Donna, I love that thought you posted I'm going to be thinking about that one. Thank you
  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    Hey team purple I tried to edit today's weigh in. If can one can I weighed in at 143.6.
  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    Hey team purple I have not introduced myself yet, sorry about that. My name is Jo, I am 40 this year, I live in Alberta, Canada and work in law enforcement. I am happily married with two beautiful children that are soon to be 8 and 6.

    Since my journey that began in January I have staggered between a 6 to 8 lb weight loss. My goal is to get down to the 130's. But I struggle there.

    I enjoy running, walking and some weight training at home and trying to get into yoga. We have had a slow start to spring, and it can be pretty windy in Southern Alberta, which puts a damper on outside activity.

    I am looking for any motivation. I struggle with snacking at night (sometimes) I love popcorn. I try to eat clean. I also try to 1600 calorie limit I rarely eat back my calories but if I do I do extra exercise. However, I have hit a major plateau which sucks.
  • biggirl1000
    biggirl1000 Posts: 189 Member
    1st week over - was looking forward to the challenge until my work life kicked in. I've definitely underestimated the stress of a new job and I'm fully immersed in a project which is taking over weekends and evenings. It's challenging to get motivated to work out when you feel so tired all the time. I need some better strategies. Thanks for sharing that thought Donna, I'm going to use that one this week!

    Marci - good for you to get into this challenge right away after joining MFP. It's a great website with a lot of support.

    Donna - having a 10K goal is excellent. Back in the day, when I was under 200 lbs, I had a running buddy and we would enter 10K races too. It kept me motivated to run (well, jog really) during the week. Unfortunately, running is out for me right now.

    Jo/Crysta- welcome! Do you have any specific goals to achieve your weight loss that you want to share?

    I am going to Disney in August and will need to be able to walk.....alot. My goal is to work up to walking 10K before then. Better get those running shoes on!

    Have a great week everyone. Let's check in on Tues and see how we're doing.

  • CStellaGo
    CStellaGo Posts: 273 Member
    Hey team how is everyone feeling!? I am really pleased with my progress last week but I can't read too much into 4 pounds down as I was sick for 3 days lol. I am going to work really hard this week to make up for the down days last week and to try to get my strength and stamina back up there. My goal this week is to work out 5 times. I am working on week 3 of C25K and I am really enjoying this challenge. I never thought I would be the person to wake up early and go for a run but I do and I love it! Anyone else found anything new that is working really well for them?
  • honey_127
    honey_127 Posts: 21
    Hey purple team! I just joined this group but I'm really excited to get started! I had a peek at the spreadsheet and it looks like everyone's off to a pretty good start :smile: So for a little about my self, my name's Erin and I'm a university student who's succumbed to the freshman 15 (or more like 30 :P) and I'm hope to go from 161.6 to 140 for this challenge. I'm new to mfp so I'm still getting used to logging my food but I think that and this challenge will be great motivation. Go team purple!!
  • biggirl1000
    biggirl1000 Posts: 189 Member
    Hey Purple Team: How is everyone feeling so far?

    I'm back on the road again this week. So hard to get the exercise in and eat right but I'll give it my best shot this week. I can't wait until my work project is over. Getting home late and going to work early has not been working well with the challenge so far.

  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    Hi Team purple if someone can edit for me today I am at 142.4.

    thanks and happy Easter good luck to everyone on avoiding any Chocolate and Candy.
  • biggirl1000
    biggirl1000 Posts: 189 Member
    Hello Jo - got your message after the weigh-in but have let modellbell know so that you are not in any danger of being dropped from the challenge.

    I had a rough go with Easter - starting with brunch. I did enjoy it and will not have to do that for awhile now. This week will be tough, I'm travelling again and haven't been steadily back on my program. Seems to be hit/miss.

    Good luck this week.

    Has anyone looked at the website dietbetter? Seems like an interesting concept. I may give it a go.

  • biggirl1000
    biggirl1000 Posts: 189 Member
    Hey Team,

    Don't forget to weigh in!!!

  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    Can someone add me for this Friday 146 thanks
  • biggirl1000
    biggirl1000 Posts: 189 Member
    No problem - I'll update for you.
  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    Happy Friday Team Purple can someone please input me to 142.4, hopefully next week I can be of some benefit to you.


  • biggirl1000
    biggirl1000 Posts: 189 Member
  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    Sorry to bug yoU again, I can't see to ever edit my weight but my weight is 140.6, have a great weekend