The Winter Soldier



  • stiobhard
    stiobhard Posts: 140 Member
    I saw it Sunday... and it was completely fabulous. there were also strangely few people in the theatre for a sunday afternoon.... I was not a bit disappointed by this one.
    EPICUREASIAN Posts: 147 Member
    Saw it in 2D first time; will watch it again in 3D.
  • stiobhard
    stiobhard Posts: 140 Member
    Saw it in 2D first time; will watch it again in 3D.

    I saw it in 3d. the galaxy theatre was also showing it in something called d-box which i didnt know what was... but i checked out the demo in the lobby and it was completely distracting and annoying. I do not think I will be doing that.

    I like 3d as a rule... and will pick that if its a choice... though i think studios have slacked off a bit at getting the most out of the medium. now that there is 3d, I am completely unimpressed by imax.
  • MeepleMuppet
    MeepleMuppet Posts: 226 Member
    Saw it and then caught up on the AoS episode online. How long do we have to wait in this thread before we can start discussing specifics ;)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Saw it and then caught up on the AoS episode online. How long do we have to wait in this thread before we can start discussing specifics ;)

    Go ahead!
  • MeepleMuppet
    MeepleMuppet Posts: 226 Member
    Saw it and then caught up on the AoS episode online. How long do we have to wait in this thread before we can start discussing specifics ;)

    Go ahead!

    Yee! Ok. I was a little miffed that something as egregious as...all that...wouldn't warrant calling in the Avengers. I can forgive Iron Man and Thor, we know what they were doing, and Bruce Banner is having issues, but where was Hawkeye!? Someone at work said there was in fact a line about him in the movie but I must have missed it. Two extra musings: wondering if the algorithm and the clairvoyant were supposed to be the same thing, and was Centipede just another name for....the group in the movie (trying to stay spoiler-free...for now!).
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    From what I read, it really all happened in like 3 days, so I guess it was tough for them to get help because of it... plus remember that Stark doesn't have any suits left. But I'm sure more of it will be explained in Guardians of the Galaxy and Age of Ultron.

    They wanted to put a line about Hawkeye but apparently it got cut, but the idea was that he was on a mission somewhere, so he couldn't make it back in that time anyway. I'm guessing whatever happened there probably happened in every SHIELD station though, so he might have had to deal with trouble on his own.

    And yeah Centipede is just another name for it, and Clairvoyant is just what who you know called himself.

    I'm interested to see how it will go from there though, between the movies and the show... it should be interesting.
  • Amwhite1986
    Amwhite1986 Posts: 194 Member
    They weren't allowed to use the name in AoS till after the events of the movie, which is why clairvoyant and centipede were used. It would have been a major spoiler for the movie.

    As to the whereabouts of Hawkeye, I've read he had a good reason for not being there that we'll find out about in Age of Ultron.

    Considering Fury's 'situation' not that far into the movie there really wouldn't have been time or anyone else to call on any of the other Avengers.
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    OMG saw it yesterday sooo good.
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    LOVED IT! My only complaint is that I didn't go see it opening night! We will probably go see it again next weekend.
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member

    Considering Fury's 'situation' not that far into the movie there really wouldn't have been time or anyone else to call on any of the other Avengers.

    That's what I thought too.
  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    Saw it for my birthday yesterday - it was pretty good although the Winter Soldier was pretty flat as a character. The strike team leader had a better part in my opinion, or just acted better.

    Also my wife raised a good point - where does Black Widow keep her straighteners because I don't know many single men, let alone Falcon who have straighteners.
  • spud_chick
    spud_chick Posts: 2,640 Member
    Happy Belated, mruntidy!

    The Winter Soldier was probably the least explored character, you're right, but I suspect we'll get more on him in the next one.

    Qwee "straightener"?
  • Amwhite1986
    Amwhite1986 Posts: 194 Member
    Sebastian Stan is under contract for 9 Marvel films, so we'll definitely get to see more of Winter Soldier/Bucky! :D
  • Okapi42
    Okapi42 Posts: 495 Member
    Hoo boy, am I the only person who didn't like it?

    *spoiler alert*, just in case...

    It started off so promising with the topical theme of data protection, but it really, really annoyed me that the main plot point turned out to be that of course Americans would never be that evil independently, it's still Nazis all these years later. Communist Nazis, if the red star is anything to go by. So just a giant propagandafest. I suppose that's Captain America's theme anyway, but come on!
  • spud_chick
    spud_chick Posts: 2,640 Member
    Actually, I felt that way a little about the first CA film, but this one felt different to me. The point that this film (and some other recent stories) seemed to be making is one that I've always felt was true... that the urge to dominate one's fellow man is opportunistic and a common failing of our species, and one against which we have to remain continually vigilant or else it will keep happening over and over again. The Nazis didn't invent it, although they have become an arguable poster child for it. The callback to Nazis in this film is natural because that was the era in which we met Cap in the first film, and here in the second one it's decades later and instead of fighting the spread of this kind of menace, the powerful in America have picked up the fœtid baton and decided it's not all that unreasonable if you look at it a certain way and of course, just because the Nazis let it get ugly doesn't mean we have to, etc. etc. (ETA: think of Old Georgie in Cloud Atlas, whispering and cajoling and enabling the worst that is in people to try and deter them from being fully human, fully themselves.)

    Cap didn't just keep taking orders, he took a stand, and in doing so became an example of the kind of patriotism I can actually get behind; the man who keeps standing for what his country should be instead of mindlessly defending whatever it is or threatens to become.

    Not sure if this is making sense as I had to take a back pill with dinner, but thought I'd try anyway.
  • spud_chick
    spud_chick Posts: 2,640 Member
    Sebastian Stan is under contract for 9 Marvel films, so we'll definitely get to see more of Winter Soldier/Bucky! :D

    Nine, really?!? Well, works for me. I love where they left his character in this one, looking forward to the next.
  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    Happy Belated, mruntidy!

    The Winter Soldier was probably the least explored character, you're right, but I suspect we'll get more on him in the next one.

    Qwee "straightener"?

    Oh thanks :)
    And the scene at Falcons house - they both have a half assed wash then shes sat on the bed towel drying her hair - next scene it's perfectly straight. Where were the continuity team on that one!
  • Okapi42
    Okapi42 Posts: 495 Member
    Actually, I felt that way a little about the first CA film, but this one felt different to me. The point that this film (and some other recent stories) seemed to be making is one that I've always felt was true... that the urge to dominate one's fellow man is opportunistic and a common failing of our species, and one against which we have to remain continually vigilant or else it will keep happening over and over again. The Nazis didn't invent it, although they have become an arguable poster child for it. The callback to Nazis in this film is natural because that was the era in which we met Cap in the first film, and here in the second one it's decades later and instead of fighting the spread of this kind of menace, the powerful in America have picked up the fœtid baton and decided it's not all that unreasonable if you look at it a certain way and of course, just because the Nazis let it get ugly doesn't mean we have to, etc. etc. (ETA: think of Old Georgie in Cloud Atlas, whispering and cajoling and enabling the worst that is in people to try and deter them from being fully human, fully themselves.)

    Cap didn't just keep taking orders, he took a stand, and in doing so became an example of the kind of patriotism I can actually get behind; the man who keeps standing for what his country should be instead of mindlessly defending whatever it is or threatens to become.

    Not sure if this is making sense as I had to take a back pill with dinner, but thought I'd try anyway.

    Well, yes, I agree that's the good patriotism, but it would be a much more powerful message if he were indeed taking a stand against his own people, rather than the kind of cheaty shortcut of "Nazis" - that's lazy shorthand. And it leaves them a way to keep the "real" Americans pure. Which rankles a bit. Maybe I see it differently not being from the US?
  • Okapi42
    Okapi42 Posts: 495 Member
    I mean, if he's really a superpatriotic superhuman, let him do something about Guantanamo...