Fresh Beginnings, A Group Introduction

Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
With the inclusion of new members to the Team RAWR family, I felt it would be a good idea to make a new group description post, and let you all know a bit of history.

This group was originally started to align with a challenge program being sponsored by my old employer. We had 6 people on the "in person" team, and I thought, why not bring this to the MFP family?

Thus Team RAWR came to be. The Righteous and Awesome WarrioR is the person that strives to better their lives every day, through hard work and personal accountability. A RAWR supports their team members through struggles, cheers them on for victories, and does their best to share helpful information.

The way this challenge group works is...

1. Weekly challenges posted.
- These will be written by admins of the group. Suggestions are welcome. Please PM the admins with any suggestions.
- Weekly challenges focus on healthy behaviors and habits.

2. Random daily challenges.
- Often posted on Wednesday, to encourage members to "jump the hump" and can be anything!

3. Monthly challenges moderated by vardaeml for more long-term personal accountability goals. Each individual will set their goals and rewards, and she will track these goals on a points system geared towards granting those that choose to participate permission to partake of their rewards. See the individual posts for more details.

4. Group support and discussion. Admit your struggles, your successes, the hurdles you anticipate and more.

5. Share rewards programs and post your own personal challenge goals.

6. Share your success stories :)

Participation in challenges is 100% voluntary. Just keep in mind that in the event an award is offered, only people actively participating will be eligible for the award.

We also have designed T-shirts that can be made available again if people are interested in getting the "uniform" for Team RAWR. In the event any "profit" is made from T-shirt sales, these monies will be funding a random prize giveaway.

-Understanding, as we are all different fitness levels and ability.
-Commitment to the team mentality. This is a group for support and encouragement.

Moderation rules:
-Keep language and topics moderate. While I personally don't care if you swear like a sailor, some members may be uncomfortable with it, so try to speak with tact.
-ABS: Always Be Supportive.
Being supportive does not necessarily mean telling a person that they are doing things wrong or making unsolicited suggestions. Please be mindful that not all people who discuss their downfalls are looking for someone to tell them how to fix it. Sometimes they are just needing to admit to it and move on.
-No member shaming. In the event that a member is removed from the group, moderators will decide whether an announcement needs to be made.
-No solicitation. This includes both affilliate product selling and charity donations. If you would like to post about participating in charity events, this is fine, just keep the donation links and things to PM, and only send to members that express interest in donating on your behalf.

*Please Note*
This group does not support dangerous diet plans, supplements or exercise programs.
~Posts promoting behaviors associated with anorexia/bulimia/EDOS will be deleted without warning.
-This includes VLCD suggestions, fasting plans, "cleanses" and extreme exercise programs intended to drop the NET calories below 1200.
~Supplements that are not approved by the FDA. Examples include: HCG, Garcinia Cambogia, etc.
-While controversial at times, prescription medications and FDA-approved weightloss supplements like Alli are acceptable topics and any discussion should be kept civil and respectful.

Whew... That was a lot, but just like to get it down! If you have any questions, suggestions or concerns, please contact me in PM.

Thanks for joining, and Welcome to Team RAWR!

~Q aka Lynn :smile:


  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    What about raspberry ketones? Hehehehehe. :wink:

    ETA: I'm excited.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I'm new to the group, I need a little accountability to get back in the groove.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    I'm new to the group, I need a little accountability to get back in the groove.

    High five Laurie...High five.