Feeling Alone

Everything I read is how well people are doing. I had WLS last May. It started off GREAT and then at three months it became I started snacking - a bite here and there. I overcame the desire to eat all the time and started doing well. THen in November I was a victim of a violent crime and started eating. I'm in counseling, etc. But my weightloss has STOPPED. I joined a gym and work out 3-5 times a week for 1-2 hours. Still nothing! I have been snacking but try to eat something healthy. Why can't I lose weight now? I feel like I ruined the chance I had to be healthy. Suggestions on menu ideas please.


  • bikrchk
    bikrchk Posts: 516 Member
    Are you getting at least 75G of protein and tracking everything? I find that even when I am eating few calories, if I'm not meeting the protein requirements I don't lose well at all.
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Food scale was the one thing that helped me the most when I stalled. I can't eyeball my portions. Hit your protein goals
  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    I agree with the last two positings; 1) Make sure you are getting protein, 2) Make sure you are getting enough fluids and 3) Weigh everything so you have accurate information.

    I will add the following; Log everything into MFP. This way when you hit a stall you will see correct and accurate data and not be forced to wonder why. If you take in less calroies than you burn and keep the fluid/protein hight you will lose weight.

    I have no information or details regarding the difficult situation you mentioned, and willnot pry, but would say "Do not allow this to become a catalyst to eat." Sounds like you are mentioning this as reason to rationalize snacking which is why I mention it. Unless your assult was food related, which can cause a trigger that I am definately not qualified to address, the two issues should not be related.
  • CrainT1
    CrainT1 Posts: 25 Member
    This is personally for me when I go in the wrong direction and cannot get back on track, I go to a pure liquid protien shake diet with SF popcicles and broth only for a few days and of course SF Jello. It reminds me of how fortunate I am to get solid food and it will sparke a good loss which in turn motivates me to get back on track. And remember as well to keep track of your measurements as if you are going to the gym that much you might have a better results with measurements than weight loss. I know for a while when I started working hard at the gym it really slowed my weight loss but increased my inch loss. Remember you made this BIG alterations with a goal in mind, it is okay to fall along the way JUST DO NOT GIVE UP. Trust me we are all with you here and I have been there with snacking with head hungry as that is all it is. Just be sure to always have better choices available when you get like this. SF Popcicle are my favorites due the new warmer weather coming up and they are yummy with a treat in mind when I have them but zero calories. Good luck!!!! Please keep us up to date on your progress. And on a side note sorry for your experience and I hope the counseling helps!