Ankle Hurts When Flexing and Pointing

OnionMomma Posts: 938 Member
It's not a great pain and the lady at the running store, and I"m inclined to think the same" we think it's from me getting fitted and moving to a stability shoe (with an insert) to keep me from pronating in my right foot.

Anyways, she told me to try the shoe out and come back and move to a different one if that one didn't work. I ran in that shoe for about 10 days. By the end, I have pain only when I flex and point my right toe. It's not really painful, more like a muscle that's been used too much.

We think that it's from my foot reacting to the stability in the new shoe.

I returned those shoes and got a neutral shoe and still use my inserts. She had me run in those and can't see my rolling at all now.

I googled around (always a bad thing, right?!) and it seems like my symptoms point to Peroneal Tendonitis, probably from over use as my miles are really getting up there from training for my 10K.

I rested an extra day this week and I'm going to rest today and Sunday and try again to run on Monday. It doesn't actually hurt when I run or walk, only when I flex and point my toe and I have NO swelling on the outside of my ankle/foot.

I am icing it alot when I can at home.

Is there anything else I can do.

I am pretty sure even if I see my Sports MD, he is going to tell me to do exactly when I am doing now, so I don't want to waste my $50. on a copay.

Any advice would be appreciated.


  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Have you run in the neutral shoes yet?

    I would take a full week off, then try again. If it's no better, I'd get it checked out by an ortho or sports md. Ankles are tricky; there's lots that can go wrong.
  • OnionMomma
    OnionMomma Posts: 938 Member
    I took rest on Thursday and then did about 3.2 miles in the neutral shoes on Friday and was supposed to do 6 today.

    My 10K is the last week of this month. I"m not worried about it, even with taking time off, I will still be able to run in.

    In the back of my mind though, I worried about my Half in Oct and making it through that training.

    I really feel strongly that it was the change in shoes from neutral to stability that caused it. The first couple of times I ran in the stability shoes, all sorts of tiny muscles in my ankles were sore from reacting to the new shoes.

    I should have known then and stopped right away but wanted to give them time. *sigh*