Couch to 5K Program

jkner4 Posts: 14 Member
Hi all,
I am working on a couch to 5k program on my phone. Today it said to run 3 minutes and walk 2 minutes, repeated 6 times. This is what is actually looked like: run 3 minutes, stop to kill a box elder bug, walk 2 minutes, run 3 minutes, stop to help 3 yo put on a princess dress, walk for 2 minutes... and so on. I did finish, but it took a lot longer than the app said it should. Oh well!


  • brammers1979
    Well at least you're trying ;)

    I'm having a go at boot camp but between the boys finding it hilarious that I'm jigging about and my toddler getting underfoot (literally) oh and then baby needing feeding...
    I'm gonna get there though - off running on Monday for first time since school -

    That's just being a mum tho - never a moment - would we have it any other way?