How was tonight's meeting?

April 6, 2014

Please share how you felt about tonight's meeting?
Was it productive?
Do you feel like we stayed on the agenda?
Did you like using Groupme? Would you like us to change to a new format?

Please share your views....


  • Tonight was productive. We came into the meeting one way and ended with an even clearer common goal. I'm excited!
  • Greetings!!!

    Not only was the meeting completely awesome... but it was beyond productive (sorry for being late). I feel like we are dedicated to the cause and really willing and wanting to support each other as we get healthy!

    I think we stayed on topic and followed the agenda WELL! The GroupMe format was totally creative and convenient for us "busy" Sorors, so KUDOS for the idea. I would absolutely love to do it again!

    Obviously I found the group and I do enjoy this much better than the blog because I can multi-task...

    Finally --- WAY TO GO SOROR Yvette Edwards!! you are totally awesome for keeping us on target and moving through this challenge positively and successfully (thus far). I am super happy you are the team Captain as you are wearing the hat well! Very proud of my Big Sis/Soror!

    On that note: back to homework!!
    Nighty Night and Talk to each of you tomorrow!

    Soror N. Woody