Cardio - How Much



  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    I do barbell complexes on occasion, but haven't recently as I've been doing c25k as my cardio. Is a good guide to build your own.

    The one I like is 5RDL+5Overhead Squat+5 reverse lunge (each leg)+5 Pendlay rows. Rest and repeat 4-5 times.

    I completely agree that new runners take way longer to build muscle/bone/tendon endurance. I haven't once been out of breath, but man my ankles/shins/other parts took quite a while to get used to running. I have been running after my lifting workouts and everything has been fine. I do eat some dates between workouts though! Please note I started c25k after I had been lifting for 14 months. I know it takes connective tissue longer to adapt so trying to get your body used to both lifting and running might be too much.
  • lizafava2
    lizafava2 Posts: 185
    Yep, this has definitely been true for me. I am 50 lbs overweight. Bummer to hear that the running (you run a LOT) isn't taking off the fat more quickly!

    I'm fine with it actually. I ran when I was 150 pounds and when I was over 250 pounds and everything in between (10 years or so). I think of it more as meditation, therapy and health insurance :).
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    I think the best is to find something what you actually like. I have a major ongoing battle with cardio inside and I don't think I will ever able to stick to it.
    I have an elliptical in the basement and I tried to force it on myself. I even make a rule that I only can watch tv while on the elliptical. I stopped watching tv forever, lol. I own a bunch of hiit type workout DVDs, but after couple months I can not make myself do them anymore.

    I am very outdoorsy and love hiking, walking, biking, rollerblading, skating, tobogganing, snowshoeing etc . I would love to get into the rowing and kayaking as well, but 8 yrs ago, I dragged my hubby to kayaking once and he almost drowned in the icy April water, and he is not willing to try it again. I know that running is the most widespread outdoor cardio, but that is the only one I can not do. I tried c25K multiple times, but I can not pass the 5 minutes running segment, and each time I gave up around 5-6 week into the program. The only indoor cardio I like is the ball games types. I used to play squash and badminton and I would love to do it again, but I don't have a partner. I used to play with my husband, but without babysitting help, that is not an option right now. Maybe in a few years I may able to play with them.

    Right now I am just super excited that finally I can bike. Bike used to be my transportation, and hopefully after getting a bike trailer for my birthday , I will useing again as a transportation device. I think hauling 2 kids in a bike trailer back and forth to school/ daycare will be more than enough cardio for me.
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    so many different versions of cardio on here, i like it!

    I've been running off and on for about a year, but not on a regular basis until the end of last summer (about when I started SLs). I didn't use a program, just went out and ran intervals according to how I felt. I'm doing a 10k this weekend (as long as my weak ankle holds on)! I did some cardio (arc trainer and bike) this morning to make room for FREE CONE DAY at ben&jerry's and just couldn't get over having to stay in one spot. The tvs in front of me helped, but it still felt like forever. Nothing beats running outside (I'm another treadmill hater and I'm glad I don't get too much snow/winter wet weather in NC or I'd die of boredom on it).
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    I tried rowing for 6 months or so, and it was a ton of fun! Lots of minor things that really impact how the boat moves, and it definitely kicked my *kitten*. I went by myself to a local rowing club that offered classes. If you can find something similar, you won't have to drag your husband. :smile: Unfortunately it was an hour drive in traffic, and it really cut into my lifting (I'd dropped down to 2 days a week), so I stopped. It was a ton of fun though.

    Also, for the barbell complexes, there are TONS online. You can just google barbell complex and see what comes up. I picked that one because they seemed pretty easy, the moves transitioned easily, and they didn't sound horrible. You may love other lifts, and there may be programs that incorporate those too. And it's something you can easily do at home; no rack needed.
  • gixbr
    gixbr Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks for the info on the barbell complex, auddii. Doing a google search for Chad Waterbury I found this article:

    It seems like a cardio routine to burn that extra fat after your workout. I've been doing 15 minutes of elliptical after my lifting routine and I might try these finishers instead.
  • jcdoerr
    jcdoerr Posts: 172 Member
    Some interesting stuff on here, here's a little bump to go back and read the links later.

    I'm just a newb at this lifting stuff, but was a runner before, so I'm still trying to figure out what works the best for me too. When I first started lifting all I did was lift the 3 days per week, but it rapidly became apparent that that wasn't enough (um, hello 5 pounds...where did you come from?). So last month I started doing an easy 10 minute jog on the treadmill before each lifting session, then about 15 minutes of sprint intervals afterward. That helped a little. Last week I started incorporating the Insanity workouts back into my week, so I lift and run one day, Insanity the next day, then a rest day....and repeat. This does mean that your workout and rest days are constantly shifting throughout the week, but if you work out at home it's not too big of a deal. It's finally working and I've gotten some pounds off and things are kicking into gear now!
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I run from zombies for my cardio. I do it after I lift and off lifting days. I like it.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    I went to go to yoga today at the Y and after 35 minutes on the arc trainer I went to get a ticket, and the class was cancelled because the teacher was sick. :sad: So I did my barbell complex. I forgot to list good mornings up there so it's really. RDLx5, overhead squatx5, good morning x5, reverse lungex5, row x5.
  • KaterinaTerese
    KaterinaTerese Posts: 345 Member
    The only thing that scares me about some the complexes I saw through the link was all the explosive over head stuff (cleans, etc.).

    A) I am a scaredy cat and haven't had proper training for those lifts and B) my gym is a tiny RetroFitness (I know, I know, but I joined and signed their soul-binding contract two months before I started weight training), so there isn't much room for stuff like that without hitting someone.

    I assume I can swap out those overhead movements with another "push" lift? I don't care if my complexes are slightly boring!
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    The only thing that scares me about some the complexes I saw through the link was all the explosive over head stuff (cleans, etc.).

    A) I am a scaredy cat and haven't had proper training for those lifts and B) my gym is a tiny RetroFitness (I know, I know, but I joined and signed their soul-binding contract two months before I started weight training), so there isn't much room for stuff like that without hitting someone.

    I assume I can swap out those overhead movements with another "push" lift? I don't care if my complexes are slightly boring!

    I go to Retro Fitness and my branch is huge. You can go to any branch you want free.
  • toristreats
    toristreats Posts: 10 Member
    For those that do complexes do you do then after your regular lifting?
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Yes, barbell complexes are done after the regular lifting.....I couldn't imagine getting through some of them and then doing SL.

    The complex I had been doing was cleans (starting at just a hanging bar, not from ground)/or upright rows, front squat, Push press, lunges, good mornings, overhead squat. 8 reps each and 3-4 rounds.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    They are called finishers for a reason. I'm actually too tired after lifting, so I do them as stand alone cardio.
  • toristreats
    toristreats Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks. I've been wondering that for a while. I'm so new to lifting sometimes I feel lost. BTW, what is a good morning?
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Thanks. I've been wondering that for a while. I'm so new to lifting sometimes I feel lost. BTW, what is a good morning?
    You have the bar on your back and bend over at the waist. One of the reasons I selected my particular complex is that I was hoping the good mornings and romanian deadlifts would help with hip drive in general on my actual lifts.
  • toristreats
    toristreats Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you!
  • tinkystyle
    tinkystyle Posts: 76 Member
    thanks for the info. bumping to read later.