How are they going to get out of the container?

Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
What are your theories?

I could be wrong, but I don't think they have anything on them (former prison group plus Abraham's group) that will allow them to get out of the container. So are they going to use force when someone from Terminus open the box again? If it's like one or two people with guns, this group could overpower them. But if Terminus has a group of people with guns around Rick and friends when the box is opened, it might be harder to overpower them, but not impossible for our group. The strongest people from the prison group are in there...

Or do you think Carol/Tyreese will get there, scope Terminus from the outside and she'll rescue them somehow?

Or something else?


  • NikiaSue
    NikiaSue Posts: 259 Member
    I'm hoping Carol & Tyrese come into play with saving them. Or, how about Beth? Where is she?
    Rick said it best "they messed with the wrong people". I'm all over the place with that Finale.
    And did I miss something? When Carol & Tyrese were leaving that farm house, where was Judith?

    sorry, new to this group and got excited....
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    I'm hoping Carol & Tyrese come into play with saving them. Or, how about Beth? Where is she?
    Rick said it best "they messed with the wrong people". I'm all over the place with that Finale.
    And did I miss something? When Carol & Tyrese were leaving that farm house, where was Judith?

    sorry, new to this group and got excited....

    Tyreese had one of those baby carrier things on his back. Judith was in there. It's good because his hands are free, but then what if a quiet Walker comes from behind and grabs Judith before he can react.

    Beth might save the group in the box...
  • Ashkea76
    Ashkea76 Posts: 7,149 Member
    wondering if they try and mob them or something...? it'll be interesting.....and I'm DYING for next season already...such a void on Sunday nights. :brokenheart: :sad:
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    I am also dying for the next season...

    Beth - I think whoever had been staying at the funeral home has her. They made it a point to make sure we knew that someone had been staying there, no dust on the food jars, etc. So I think they were out on a run and came back, noticed what Daryl and Beth did to make the noise for the front door. I think *maybe* they lead all those walkers to the front door...waited, and then when they saw Beth...snatch!

    I was proud that Rick & his group didn't just walk in the front door as trusting as Glenn & that group did. I was shocked though that they didn't try to camp out and watch what was going on more before they hopped the fence.

    A friend on mine wondered if maybe the group that live at Terminus are cannibals...I don't know about that theory. In the room with all the candles on the walls it said something about Us first, trust no one. So I wonder if they were trying to lead people to them to capture so that they can "control" everything that comes into Terminus. I mean, with how the apocalypse has changed people - the group of jerks that Daryl was with for a minute - they were looking to hurt other people.

    I definitely had a feeling Terminus would be worse than Woodbury. Maybe it's a new Woodbury (how no one could really leave despite him saying you could) but on a much worse scale.
  • Ashkea76
    Ashkea76 Posts: 7,149 Member
    maybe Terminus plans on brainwashing?? I still think they're cannibals though...that scene with Rick running before they captured, there was an area with bloody skeletal remains.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    maybe Terminus plans on brainwashing?? I still think they're cannibals though...that scene with Rick running before they captured, there was an area with bloody skeletal remains.

    After I read that in the other thread and then your putting it here, I'm gonna have to watch again, I missed that somehow.
  • NikiaSue
    NikiaSue Posts: 259 Member
    wondering if they try and mob them or something...? it'll be interesting.....and I'm DYING for next season already...such a void on Sunday nights. :brokenheart: :sad:

    I know, but luckily Game of Thrones is back on HBO. :smile:
  • aprilyankee
    aprilyankee Posts: 345 Member
    I think they actually have an advantage. Terminus folks had every opportunity to kill them and didn't. Why? Whatever their plans are, be it livestock or brainwashing they need them alive for something. It would have been easier to kill them than to corral them. This gives them an edge. Hopefully they can find a way to break out of the connex. They still have their guns and knives/swords right?
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    I think they actually have an advantage. Terminus folks had every opportunity to kill them and didn't. Why? Whatever their plans are, be it livestock or brainwashing they need them alive for something. It would have been easier to kill them than to corral them. This gives them an edge. Hopefully they can find a way to break out of the connex. They still have their guns and knives/swords right?

    Good theory.

    Did they lay down their weapons on the ground before being herded to the box? I thought they did, but can't be sure. But I bet a few of them have some hidden weapons on themeselves.
  • Ashkea76
    Ashkea76 Posts: 7,149 Member
    well, they got patted down when they entered the area, and were allowed to keep their weapons, AT FIRST....but then were told to lay them down before being directed to the railcar. (if I remember correctly)

    and I don't watch Game of Thrones (we don't have HBO)
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    There is that bag of weapons that Rick buried in the forest. I also think they are cannibals, the way Rick smacked the plate out of Carl's hands. Plus a few other odd things.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    maybe Terminus plans on brainwashing?? I still think they're cannibals though...that scene with Rick running before they captured, there was an area with bloody skeletal remains.

    After I read that in the other thread and then your putting it here, I'm gonna have to watch again, I missed that somehow.
    not to mention the fact that Rick was teaching how to set traps for food... only to walk into exactly what he was displaying.

    as far as getting out, I'm leaning toward Morgan Jones coming back.. somehow.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    maybe Terminus plans on brainwashing?? I still think they're cannibals though...that scene with Rick running before they captured, there was an area with bloody skeletal remains.

    After I read that in the other thread and then your putting it here, I'm gonna have to watch again, I missed that somehow.
    not to mention the fact that Rick was teaching how to set traps for food... only to walk into exactly what he was displaying.

    as far as getting out, I'm leaning toward Morgan Jones coming back.. somehow.

    OOOOH. Yeah, but he had pretty much lost his mind...but you never know. Also, maybe Carol and Tyrese find the bag buried...and they recognize it as his.
  • Ashkea76
    Ashkea76 Posts: 7,149 Member
    maybe Terminus plans on brainwashing?? I still think they're cannibals though...that scene with Rick running before they captured, there was an area with bloody skeletal remains.

    After I read that in the other thread and then your putting it here, I'm gonna have to watch again, I missed that somehow.
    not to mention the fact that Rick was teaching how to set traps for food... only to walk into exactly what he was displaying.

    as far as getting out, I'm leaning toward Morgan Jones coming back.. somehow.

    Oh yeah!!!! Forgot all about Morgan! I bet he could keep an eye on things, and maybe help them escape....
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    maybe Terminus plans on brainwashing?? I still think they're cannibals though...that scene with Rick running before they captured, there was an area with bloody skeletal remains.

    After I read that in the other thread and then your putting it here, I'm gonna have to watch again, I missed that somehow.
    not to mention the fact that Rick was teaching how to set traps for food... only to walk into exactly what he was displaying.

    as far as getting out, I'm leaning toward Morgan Jones coming back.. somehow.

    OOOOH. Yeah, but he had pretty much lost his mind...but you never know. Also, maybe Carol and Tyrese find the bag buried...and they recognize it as his.

    This is what I figured, that their weapons stash might be found by someone on the outside (Carol and Tyreese).

    My husband mentioned Morgan, too. I figured he was holed up in crazy world, but it would be a good thing to have him come back. Talk about excellent acting!
  • ilovescarymovies
    ilovescarymovies Posts: 202 Member
    I would jump up and down and scream if morgan came back and helped carol and tyrese save everyone!!!!!! There were several other rail cars with people screaming for help when they were running thru terminus if they can rescue them also they can take over terminus!!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Someone I know reminded me that Eugene is in the container, too, so maybe he can show off his genius skills :)
  • Crystal_LDee
    Crystal_LDee Posts: 17 Member
    My best guess is that Carol and Tyrese will help them or Morgan. Can't wait for October!
  • ELMunque
    ELMunque Posts: 136 Member
    I think it's going to be Carol and Tyrese, but I hope it's going to be Morgan. On the way to terminus, when Maggie and Sasha met back up, I'm hoping that that was one of the buildings where Morgan was holed up.

    Carol and Tyrese scenerio: they were already on their way to terminus, so maybe they heard the guns and maybe even got there in time to hear the voices of Rick and co. They will get the stash of weapons that Rick hid and take down the snipers and get everyone out.

    Morgan scenerio: if that was the little town that Morgan made himself (where maggie went crazy with a stop sign) then he obviously wasn't there. Maybe he is already at terminus, and finds out that they have Rick and he goes to help.

    Others: There's got to be reason that they showed us that penny that Tara gave Eugene, maybe Eugene is going to come up with some plan that not only gets them out but proves him to be useful. They also showed us the powdered milk, I googled it, you can make explosives out of powdered milk and a spark, you can make a battery out of a penny and some aluminum foil, was there any foil on the ground? Also they have items on their bodies that can be used as weapons, and they only have to get one person out of the box to go retrieve the hidden weapons..... so they could pretend that one of them died and turned and then when the terminus peeps come to see what is going on, they can fight back and escape.... Or maybe they can pull up some of the floor boards and send michonne out?

    so many theories rambling around in my head right now.... I just really need October to be here already.
  • aprilyankee
    aprilyankee Posts: 345 Member
    I'm really going to need to re-watch this episode! I think the explosives idea is incredibly plausible. Eugene is supposed to be a genius, but I haven't seen any evidence of such and don't truly believe he knows how to cure anything. But I'm jaded like that. I can see Rick escaping to go get the weapons. I remember the container was elevated because they had to climb up to get into it. If it has a wooden floor those boards are designed to come up, which Abraham should know with a military background.

    I kind of assumed that Carol and Tyrese were also captured and already in one of the containers, along with some other random prison survivors.

    Maybe Morgan is there and is charge? He was pretty crazy...

    October is SO far away...