new today, where do I start?

Lessofme411 Posts: 2 Member
Just joined today. Need to get back to taking care of myself. So far today I tracked my food and am trying to get in more water. What else can I do to be successful?

What is working for everyone else?


  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Just joined today. Need to get back to taking care of myself. So far today I tracked my food and am trying to get in more water. What else can I do to be successful?

    What is working for everyone else?
    What you're doing right now is awesome! Great job on getting more water in and getting your food tracked..

    I'd suggest joining a group to feel a part of things but you're already got to that one!:tongue:

    When some start out they first cut portions and then later take out some treats they feel may be harming their progress. Think about what you feel is holding you back and you can go from there. For some it's pop everyday, or the simple carbs (oh sooo addicting for me once I start), the big part is moderating and tracking your meals.

    Sometimes it's fun to try out a new veggie or fruit during the week that you've not tried can help us stretch beyond our regular food we've become accustomed to.

    Hopefully other members will jump in and add their thoughts..

    Welcome to the group, I only joined it a few moments ago myself.:laugh:

  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
  • joannlohr9
    joannlohr9 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm new too so can't offer a ton of advice but I will say the I started by meal planning so that I had a plan on what I was going to eat and wasn't faced with making a bad decision which lead to going over my calories..Also if anyone wants to add me I would love the friends and accountability :-)
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    When I started trying to lose weight… I started with what I figured would be the easiest thing for me to change. And that was working out. I knew that for me… exercising would simply be a matter of getting into a routine. So, I started with that. I simply started walking. I was ridiculously slow… but I walked. Of course, I tried to watch what I ate, so I didn't sabotage everything I just did. But I didn't count calories or make any real changes in how I ate. I simply focused on one thing. Over time…. I gradually made small changes… both in my workout and in my diet. As I felt comfortable with each level… then I would "up my game" so to speak. And only I made changes that I felt like I could live with long term.

    I would suggest starting slowly. Find one thing about your lifestyle that you can change. You can start with exercising or you can start with the way you eat. Doesn't matter. Just start with something. Then you can gradually add more changes. It all adds up to creating a lifestyle you can live with.

    As far MFP goes… you can get as involved as you like. Some people really get involved with the community aspect and enjoy it. Others simply use it to track their food and that's it. Whatever works for you. If you are one that really thrives with having support and accountability from others… I would suggest getting involved in the threads and any groups that fit your goals/personality. You'll find friends more that way. Feel free to add me if you like!
  • camy_chick
    camy_chick Posts: 277 Member
    1 step at a time.

    -track all your food
    -trade one unhealthy for a healthier option
    -walk, run, jog, do some type of exercise
    -drink your water
    -cut out the pop, or extra sugary drinks that aren't needed

    do it all 1 at a time. trying to do too much at once WILL overwhelm you, you WILL get discouraged, and you will start gaining me, been there, DONE THAT - MULTIPLE TIMES!

    and always ask for support when you need/want it!