ideal weight

How does a person know how much weight they have to lose? i mean do we just choose a number that we feel we would be satisfied to be at? or are you using BMI charts? I find sometimes those charts can be a bit extreme.


  • Latse
    Latse Posts: 61 Member
    The surgeon came up with the ideal weight he would like me to be at. It isn't inside the "normal" BMI, he said it wasn't realistic to expect that. I was never normal BMI, even in high school.

    Formula to figure it out is something like this: Current weight - Normal BMI weight = total excess weight. 80% of total excess is about what you can expect to lose with the help of the sleeve and a good diet and exercise route. That doesn’t mean you can’t lose it all and end up in an ideal BMI, but it is a good jumping off place for a *end goal*

    Good Luck!
  • I decided how much weight I wanted to lose by choosing a weight I was comfortable with and I feel I can maintain once I reach maintenance. it is 4 pounds above what is considered a normal weight for me, but I feel comfortable with that goal.
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    I am going for 150. On the border of overweight and normal BMI for my height. I have bad knees and a problem hip. I have to get as close to normal as is reasonable. I am only 44 so I have to make them last. I used to say I was big boned, Nah, I was just fat :)
  • hurricanelena
    hurricanelena Posts: 83 Member
    I was originally going for 200lb, which was less a health goal than a psychological one as it was the weight I was when I started college and really started gaining weight do to stress despite being on the Rowing team. (forget Freshman 15 it was the Freshman 50-75 for me). My surgeon thought that was cool.

    I revised it post surgery to 170-180lb, which still puts me as boderline obese for my height, to be a little closer to what's considered normal BMI for my height which is less than 150lb. But really I'm shooting for having my body fat at an acceptable 25-30%.
  • jkern9110
    jkern9110 Posts: 119 Member
    I, too, keep in mind the calculation Latse mentioned: Current weight - Normal BMI weight = total excess weight x 80%= reasonable expectation of weight loss maintained. Psychologically, I need to shoot for that Normal BMI weight. I'm 5'8" and the high end normal BMI is 165. I'm currently 224 and have never weighed less than 214 in my adult life, so I don't know what 165 will look like and feel like on me. 165 could be the perfect weight, or I may still need to drop a few more pounds, or I could look sickly. I have no idea. I plan to continue to listen to my body, push myself physically, and see where I end up. Feeling and looking healthy are main goals, which may not appropriately correlate with a preconceived number on the scale. 165 is my benchmark, but I don't want to give that number on the scale more power than it deserves.
  • bikrchk
    bikrchk Posts: 516 Member
    At 5'6" and 134 lbs, my surgeon originally said 130ish. I was kinda freaked out. I didn't even weigh that in high school! But now at 6 months post-op, I've taken off 75% of it, (about 75lbs), I think it's doable. I'm 6 lbs from the "healthy BMI" range and I know I can totally do that. I look and feel good, (I'm in a solid size 8 now) and have focused cardo exercise 5+ times per week and am off all meds except Prilosec. I'm gonna go for the last 25 to make an even 100lb loss! Don't know if I'll maintain there or a bit higher. I've heard that most folks level out at least 10 lbs above their lowest weight so a bit of wiggle room will be a good thing. Size 6 here I come!
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    I am 5'7" and my doctor said my "ideal weight" is 160. I weighed that in high school and was 20 pounds overweight then! And, 160 still gives me a BMI in the overweight categoryI. My doctor also said he expected me to get to 200, bounce back up to 220 and stay there. :noway: My personal goal is get and stay somewhere below 200. I don't know that I will get to or even want to get to 160. But as long as I can maintain something below 200, I will consider this successful. :smile: