Not losing...

JenDowNow Posts: 2 Member
Hello, fellow Sleeve Patients,

I would love some guidance to find out what I could possibly be doing wrong. I had the Sleeve surgery on March 3rd and lost 25 pounds within the first 2 weeks. But, I haven't lost a dingle pound since. I understand about plateaus, but this is the longest, most frustrating plateau. I can't eat more than 600 calories a day, drink plenty of fluids and get in my protein shakes. I'm just starting to be able to get in some vegetables after I've eaten my 2 oz. of protein. If I eat more protein than that, there's no room for veggies. I'd also love suggestions for veggies and meals (if you can call them that). Has anyone else experienced being stuck this long? And do you know what I can do to kick the weight loss into gear? I'm beginning to have regrets. I could have maintained my weight like this without surgery.

Thanks in advance!


  • pattycakes726
    pattycakes726 Posts: 348 Member
    Stalls are common and happen at different times. Your body has been through a major change and is adjusting, The weight will come off. Just stick to the plan your doc gave you. I didn't lose any weight for a full month after surgery and was convinced I'd never lose it. Nine months later, I am almost at my goal. Hang in there.
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Food scale. I stalled right where you are. I was eyeballing it and completely off. I was actually getting almost 900 cals. Keep moving, keep drinking. Also I stall after every major wt loss. My body resets it's metabolism to compensate for the fat I am no longer carrying. My body also redistributes my fat. My clothes will fit better but I won't lose a pound. The trick is to not care and keep measuring. Also treat any constipation. You could have 5 lbs of poo in you. My scale hasn't moved for 2 wks, but I have lost 75 lbs in 4 1/2 months. This is my lifestyle now and the last 35 lbs will probably take til Dec to come off.
  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    Mango nailed it; food scale & log everything into MFP. Other than that - protein first, fluids, exercise and patience. The weight, and most importantly th einches will melt away.
  • specialemy
    specialemy Posts: 141 Member
    Agreeing with Mangopickle! The constipation thing is also something I dealt with. I started taking Colace every night in order to help things move along. It may be frustrating now, but your weight will start dropping again.
  • lizadaze
    lizadaze Posts: 118 Member
    Hi there,

    I had surgery just six weeks ago myself and experienced a period of two weeks or so with no loss. Found that I was eating too few calories and upped them by 200 and the following week I was down almost 4 lbs. So I went from eating 600-800 calories a day to now 800-1000 and the weight is coming off again. Weird, I know, but it is working for me. Also, my nutritionist wanted me to increase my carbs, which I wasn't even paying attention to, which has made me feel a lot better and much improved energy.

    I just got to the soft food stage and it is great to have fresh fruits again. Been eating watermelon all week and loving it!

    Starting swimming again today, so excited!

    Definitely check in with the nutritionist for guidance. You are not doing anything wrong, just trust in your body and don't stress about the scale from week to week. I also keep measurements and do them on the first of the month. On the weeks that the scale is fickle, I remind myself of the inches lost and my clothes getting looser everyday.

    Good luck!