Starting over after LAP BAND

Looking for some supportive friends, I had Lap Band surgery a few years ago and I have gained a LOT of weight back when my Dad got sick and passed away and have been battling depression. I could use some LAP band buddies to be friends on here. Please add me! Thanks. I'm back on track now THANK GOD!


  • flesher1
    flesher1 Posts: 3 Member
    Sounds like me, banded 5 yrs ago just recently gained back a chunk of the weight I had lost due to a stressful move and a new stressful job. Just finished the five day pouch test to shrink the band now it's back to MyFitnessPal would like to be down min 20 pounds for the summer. Teresa
  • itamd1970
    itamd1970 Posts: 17 Member
    Not a lap bander but ready to support
  • sunsportsmom
    sunsportsmom Posts: 19 Member
    had mine 8 years ago, and gained it all back. embarrassed to go to doctor. what is 5 day pouch test?