Looking for great motivation

I am a yoyo dieter. I am trying to stay motivated. Lol I been doing pretty good for the last month. The only thing about me is weight is hard to come off of me. I am trying to figure out what works for me and what doesn't. I love help and support from you guys on what you are doing? What are your struggles? Especially if you are anything like me with stubborn weight. Also feel free to add me if you are an active member, who has some of my same struggles, and give great motivation and advice.


  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    I keep wondering what has kept me motivated and I realize it has changed over time. I think when I started it was probably the fact that most people thought I wouldn't stick with :smile:

    Second was the ending of a relationship - not sure why but then I had that revenge-dress option and that helped me to increase my working out schedule. Also all along the way people will make comments that they try and veil as compliments that fuel my motivation.

    My current motivation is cake, I get another cake for losing a total of 100 pounds, I had one for 50 and plan to have one for the next and last 50.

    My initial motivation was to get if of high blood pressure pills and that has been accomplished a few months back so now things are pretty much vanity - I really want to be strong and active.

    The day to day motivation comes and goes in the beginning, try not to focus on a small hiccup, if you do well for 80% of your eating for the day - celebrate it! Think about why you fell off and what you can do next time to avoid it. Try not to think too far ahead in regards to your eating, if you add exercise or increase your activities and listen to your body your eating will improve over time, exercise requires energy and good, whole foods provide the best energy for your body. Now I am in no way claiming or suggesting that being a health nut is the way to go, I eat for real life and that means something different for each person, you just want to learn portion control and how to make the best decision at a minimum of 50% of the time.

    While a goal is important, small goals are much easier to realize and by celebrating them this also helps keep the motivation going.

    Right now my real life is a cup of ice cream:smile: , I've earned it and I want it :wink:
  • latoyasmith1985
    latoyasmith1985 Posts: 71 Member
    Thanks I really needed that.
  • ProfessorCurlz
    My age is keeping my motivated at the time. I'm officially 40 and have been overweight for the past 20 years. I want to be able to experience being fit or at least happy with my body image after so many years.
    My down moments come from home. My husband is well overweight and doesn't care of my size. We have eaten carelessly for so many years and he still does. So its easy to fix his plate/portions and try to slide some on my plate. So right now, separating myself from the rest of the house is a challenge. So I am constantly doing self talk to keep me focused.
    Progress is slow, and sometimes I just think.......gaining a pound or two wont matter. So its a major mental battle.
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    My motivation, I just want to be better. I want my exterior to match my interior. I feel awesome on the inside, but look like crap on the outside. I need to be around as long as possible for my daughter. I sat up a reward system. For every 25lbs I lose, I get something that is just for me.
  • bjabdullah
    bjabdullah Posts: 26 Member
    First, congratulations for being here and for reaching out for support. Next, realize this is a lifestyle not a "diet" so it may take some time. It took my neighbor 2 1/2 years to lose 80 pounds. Eating smaller meals more often can help boost the metabolism and of course moving the body more is necessary. Find a weight loss Guru at BWLW or on You Tube; there are a lot of weight loss victories. Also, reducing white carbs, sodium and sugar intake may help. Sign on here everyday and plan your meals and snacks, it helps. Figure out not only what you are eating but what's eating you! Keep it real. We can do this!