Back on Track!

CTop73 Posts: 6 Member
I am back on track! In the last month I have lost 11 more pounds of that baby weight and have been getting stronger and stronger in my CrossFit WODs. Myfitnesspal has been one of the biggest contributers to this success!! Anyone else feeling success out there?! I just started this group so hopefully this will draw a great group of strong moms!!


  • Mama_Jag
    Mama_Jag Posts: 474 Member
    Your group caught my attention! Just finished my on ramp in March, so I am new to CrossFit but love the challenge. I was a runner before that, did a few marathons in a few years, but didn't make me the strong fit mom I want to be.

    Congrats on your loss! I am not seeing the scale move too much right now, but my clothes are fitting better and I am getting stronger, which is just fine with me!
  • bekahjk
    bekahjk Posts: 74 Member
    Hey, so excited to hear your progress! Great job. I just started at Crossfit about a month ago and I love it! I have a lot of weight to lose but I am so excited to see my progress this far. I am hoping around week six I will start seeing a big loss. It seems to be how my body trends in the past. I am however feeling it in my clothes and I am getting stronger in my workouts. I can't believe how fast you make gains. It's really amazing. Excited to be part of a mom's group who loves Crossfit! It is so addicting :)
  • CTop73
    CTop73 Posts: 6 Member
    Its great to meet you guys! CrossFit sure is addicting! I started doing it in Afghanistan when I was deployed in 2011-2012. I kept up wtih it when I got home and all the way through week 39 of pregnancy with my little girl! Between CrossFit and Calorie tracking with Myfitnesspal the recovery period has been so much easier than with my first pregnancy! I figured this group would be great to keep each other motivated.

    What are your goals? My main goal is to be at my goal weight by my Birthday in July!
  • alichaptx
    alichaptx Posts: 2 Member
    I tried CrossFit for the first time on Monday and freaking loved the workout! I didn't mesh great with the trainer so I'm trying out some other places to get a flavor for what's out there. I have a 3 1/2 year old and decided it was finally time for me to do something for myself. I work full time and I'm finishing my BA so I can start grad school in the Spring of 2015 - woot! I tried MyFitnessPal a while back and didn't stick with it but I am getting back on the wagon. I lose weight crazy but I pack it on FAST too so this won't be my first time trying to lose 40+ pounds. I've done it once, I can do it again. I just need to stick with it this time

    Super excited to find a group like this!