Spring plans

Ldysw357 Posts: 118 Member
So, I notice this group is kind of quiet, lol. With the weather FINALLY improving, what is everyone doing to change up or improve their exercise?

I've started walking on my lunch at work. I've found that from my office to the Capitol is almost 4 miles and I can make that in just over an hour. At least right now before it's 90 degrees, lol.


  • renee6515
    renee6515 Posts: 42 Member
    I agree this site is too quiet!!!! I was walking in Charleston too on my breaks but stopped over winter and need to start backl. I only get a half hour lunch so I take my 15 min breaks and go twice a day. About a mile each break. So need to get motivated tho, I dont like going alone and the people I work with was doing it but all slowly stopped going with me. I was the last to quit but I too quit eventually :( You are making me think about going again at least. lol
  • Sean195
    Sean195 Posts: 17 Member
    I agree, way to quiet!!!!!! Time to get started! Let GOOOO Moutaineers!!!
  • Ldysw357
    Ldysw357 Posts: 118 Member
    That's more like it! Especially since my daughter will be an Eer this fall :)