
SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
Tell me about yerself!!

My name is Kristin. I have two kids, a 3 year old and an 11 month old. Two dogs, a long haired chihuahua named Zell (named from Final Fantasy VIII), a min pin named Yuffie (FFVII), a kitty named Coal, and a bearded dragon named Vash (Trigun). I work mostly as a stay at home mother to my kids but I work part time 3 days a week cleaning 3 executive office buildings. I've worked there for 10 years.

My adventure into fitness started June 20th 2013. It was after my 6 week post partum check up with my youngest. I topped out at 190 lbs at the end of my pregnancy. I was tired of feeling so tired. Tired of making excuses for myself. I fell in love with weightlifting. As the months passed I found something I wanted to continue for forever. Originally, all I wanted to do was lose weight. I had no other goal. It changed into to improve my strength, to recomp...To continue to improve overall. I'm working on my first bulk, currently. It's honestly the most fun I've had in a very long time. I no longer dread a fitness activity! Weeeew.

I'm very into anime, video games, singing, comics, also. I'm a bit spazzy. I run purely on passion and coffee.

My husband is into everything I am, minus lifting...and ice cream. He does not care for sweets (more for meee!). I practice iifym. I love food. The one thing I've learned on here is that no foods are bad. Moderation is the key to overall health and performance. Its given me peace of mind, freedom.


  • tegalicious
    tegalicious Posts: 629
    Heya!!! I am Tegan! 29 years old, soon to be 30 this winter! Am at goal weight and now working the slow process of body recomp!

    I am two weeks into IF with a 14/10 eating window 5-6 days a week and one non IF day (long run day dictates that I eat when I need to). I am loving it and look forward to continuing with it as long as it works for me! Oh and I eat all the foodz. In moderation. Just don't look at Easter. Or Christmas. Or my bday. Or my anniversary. Or New Years. Or thanksgiving. Those days calories don't count ;)

    I am a new runner and love it. Working my way up to doing a personal half marathon! I love lifting as well but as my current goal is to improve my running, I am just doing gym machines and some freeweight stuff as heavy as I can :). Goals may change this summer, we shall see :).

    I enjoy kittehs but am deathly allergic to them :(. So I has a chihuahua named Taylor instead! He is 7 years old and full size (not a mini and as big as a skinny pug). He has a bunch of medical issues too. He has severe environmental and food allergies (poor baby has to eat salmon based food and is often sporting furless legs), a heart murmur, and floating patella (meaning his knee caps can just pop out of place and I have to pop them back in). He is a goofball though and he brings me a lot of joy :)!

    I live with my boyfriend of 2+ years. He is the man I will marry as soon as he asks lol! We enjoy Netflix and being geeky together. He is a big gamer and I am the girl who would have been a gamer if Mario would have just been a dear and jumped over the damn hole at the beginning of the game!!! I do enjoy some games but they have to be easy or I lack the hand eye coordination to excel. We like to watch movies and be silly in stores and basically just hang out and have a good time.

    I am currently the owner and operator of an infant and toddler daycare and it is me and 6 infants and toddlers in a house I set up as a school (I don't live there). I have done this for almost 9 years and well to be honest, it is no longer my passion. So! I am going back to school this fall to study nutrition to hopefully become a Registered Dietitian!

    I had a sort of crappy childhood and do have some residual stuff leftover from that including codependency issues. I have done a lot of work to overcome it and am doing really well but still don't have tons of confidence in myself and my abilities so I am still a work in progress. But aren't we all?

    That was super long but hopefully gives you somewhat of an idea as to what I am all about!
  • Artificer22
    Artificer22 Posts: 68 Member
    HAHA I love it. Im Keith, im shy. Been busting my *kitten* doing Insanity. I enjoy having a goal to push towards and amazing ppl to do it with. Kristin is one of my inspirations. YOU ROCK!!! Not the best nutritionally, but you wont find many ppl who push as hard as I do. Everyone one who joins this is already amazing and I look forward to this journey we are all on!!!
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Yay Tegan! Gonna make me work on my intro hehe. ♡ chihuahuas are so cute♡ running has always been in the back of my mind to work on. The endurance it takes to push through is inspiring. That's so awesome!

    Keith, you and I go back to Wow and I've always loved palling around wif you. You're doing incredible and it means the world to BE an inspiration. Its something I've never been in my life.
  • kittyhorn
    kittyhorn Posts: 112 Member
    My name is Erin, I'm 34 years old. I'm the mother to a 4yr old that gives me new reasons to smile every day. I'm currently in school finishing up a 3 yr program in Accounting. I'm starting a 1 yr program geared at small business ventures. My man and I are starting a bookkeeping and tax prep firm.

    I've been working out for several years and had several successful runs and lost weight but have never stuck with it. I did the first 2 stages of NROLFW last year and liked it. I'm starting strong lifts 5x5 today and doing boot camp 2-3 times a week. I've also signed on for 8 weeks of meal plans with my boot camp trainer. This time will be different!

    I look forward to getting to know all of you as we work towards our goals!
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Hiya Erin! That's awesome. You're right, this time will be different ♡

    I've never done 5x5 but I've heard It's a great program. :D I'm doing All Pro, currently
  • YoureAllChrome
    YoureAllChrome Posts: 4 Member
    Hiiiiii, I'm Bintal. It's okay, you can call me Bins/Bin/Bee/B-Dizzle if you want. I'm 30, I live in OC, CA, and I'm an editor in corporate publishing.

    I just got diagnosed as pre-diabetic a couple months ago, so I'm finally getting off my butt to lose the 20lbs I need to before I get the official 'oh you're actually a diabetic' blood test. Everrrryone in my family has diabetes. Ugh.

    I love to read (ALL THE BOOKS!), but I haven't been reading as much since I finished grad school (in book publishing, of course) and started working full-time. I also cross-stitch, eat a lot of kbbq with my besties, and love to play with my dog nephews.

    Thanks for adding me, Kristin!
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Hi Bin! Nice to meet you! Sorry to hear about your diagnosis but it's great you're getting a heads up on your health. I wish I read more books. Especially game of thrones, since I love the TV series :D.
  • BarbellApprentice
    BarbellApprentice Posts: 486 Member
    Hi all.

    Jeff here. Here goes the cramming of 44 years into a few lines.. Born and raised in Mississippi. Been in the Dallas area since '98. Yes, I am old/44. Sports was pretty much my life into my 20s, so the activity kept me pretty fit despite lots of beer and crap food. I settled into a desk job (software development) while continuing the crap eating and beer. No shock, the fat ensued. I lost 40 lbs 2 different times ('99 & '06) only to gain it back plus a few. I have been at it this time since Jan 2012 and have finally settled into a life style that I not only can do, but enjoy. I still eat like a pig at times and struggle with binges but manage to balance it out. I now love the gym.

    I have been married 15 years. One kiddo. She is a 6th grader. I love dogs. Currently have 3.
  • TheStephil
    TheStephil Posts: 858 Member

    My name is Steph. I'm 23 years old female. I started getting serious about fitness in January 2013. In the beginning it was all about the number on the scale. I wanted to get down to 140lbs from 180lbs. I didn't want to starve myself because I'd be very unhappy and wouldn't stick with it. I lost weight doing various cardio workouts and got down to 150lbs. At that time I stopped caring about the number on the scale. In Oct/Nov of 2013 I started weight training. I tried body weight programs, weight machines and eventually started Stronglifts. I love Stronglifts. It's hard, exciting, makes me feel like a badass, frustrating, etc. It makes me feel alive. I get so emotional (in both bad and good ways) and I've noticed little changes with it. I lifted for about two months then moved and lost access to the gym for 2 months. I started back up a few weeks ago and fell in love with it again. My boyfriend just started lifting with me and I love having a gym partner.

    I'm trying to lose a bit of fat before the end of May where I'll be cosplaying at a convention for the first time. I am eating at TDEE-10% but want to do my first bulk session in july/august.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Hiya Jeff!! I like dogs too, though mine are tiny dogs (They're smaller than my cat lol .

    Hi Steph! I think you and I are similar in goals. Plus, I've always wanted to cosplay♡. Gym partner! That has to be nice :D I've tried getting my husband out there but the furthest I've gotten him to do is bench
  • sun_fish
    sun_fish Posts: 864 Member
    Hiya everyone! I'm Karin, 52, married for 25 years. I have 2 sons and 2 grandkids. I live in Southern California and think I was some kind of ocean animal in another life as I am drawn to the water. One of my goals is to learn to surf this summer, I've wanted to try it for a long time but being fat = not comfortable in a swim suit. I'm a Montessori Teacher with kids ages 3-6 (preschool & kindergarten). I normally wouldn't mention my pets but since Kristin did, I have 2 bearded dragons, Sunny and Spike.

    I recently started resistant training on the advice of my doctor after getting a bone scan that showed more bone thinning than is normal for my age. I do not want osteoporosis! I researched and tried a few different programs but something really clicked with free weights. I am doing the All Pro program right now.

    I've lost 56 pounds over the last 2 years and am within about 10 pounds of my goal weight. Yippeee! I have done yoga for about 15 years, I have taken many classes but now I practice at home. For about a year I was extremely indulgent and took private classes in my home. My husband and I recently went to Belize for a yoga retreat. It was an amazing trip and we would love to go back. I also like to hike and we have some beautiful places around where we live to do that.
  • YoureAllChrome
    YoureAllChrome Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Bin! Nice to meet you! Sorry to hear about your diagnosis but it's great you're getting a heads up on your health. I wish I read more books. Especially game of thrones, since I love the TV series :D.

    I read the first two pages of the first book, realized it was 700 pages long, only had two weeks until the ebook was due back at the library, and had a lot of homework to do. I'm kind of glad I never got into it because I'm a chicken and hate violent things. Especially with all the hype around the latest episode.

    I'm waiting for Sherlock to come back, and I'm impatiently waiting for the new Harry Potter-esque movies to come out. (My Harry Potter Pinterest board is ridiculous. Yes, I am in fact a grown up. I think.)

    I really wish I got some sort of notification when there's a reply. Does that exist?
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Hi Bin! Nice to meet you! Sorry to hear about your diagnosis but it's great you're getting a heads up on your health. I wish I read more books. Especially game of thrones, since I love the TV series :D.

    I read the first two pages of the first book, realized it was 700 pages long, only had two weeks until the ebook was due back at the library, and had a lot of homework to do. I'm kind of glad I never got into it because I'm a chicken and hate violent things. Especially with all the hype around the latest episode.

    I'm waiting for Sherlock to come back, and I'm impatiently waiting for the new Harry Potter-esque movies to come out. (My Harry Potter Pinterest board is ridiculous. Yes, I am in fact a grown up. I think.)

    I really wish I got some sort of notification when there's a reply. Does that exist?

    Oh ya, game of thrones is very graphic hehe. I just don't know if I have the time to read them all either. He's still writing! I tend to turn my head away for the really graphic stuff in the show.

    And I don't think there's any way for notifications but that would be nice!

    I've still been meaning to re read The Hobbit. I read it back in middle school and with the movies out it's making me want to. They've made up a ton of stuff in that movie
  • Artificer22
    Artificer22 Posts: 68 Member
    I read LoTR and The Hobbit every couple years or so, im a big Tolkien geek. A lot of what may seem made up is actually stuff from the other books Tolkien wrote about middle earth. The Silmarilion and The Leys of Beleriand to name a couple. Ya there is definitely some artistic freedom used, like Legolas being in the movie. NO MORE ORLANDO BLOOM!! I kind of ignore those kinds of things and look for the stuff Jackson put in just for ppl like me
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    I read LoTR and The Hobbit every couple years or so, im a big Tolkien geek. A lot of what may seem made up is actually stuff from the other books Tolkien wrote about middle earth. The Silmarilion and The Leys of Beleriand to name a couple. Ya there is definitely some artistic freedom used, like Legolas being in the movie. NO MORE ORLANDO BLOOM!! I kind of ignore those kinds of things and look for the stuff Jackson put in just for ppl like me

    That makes sense. I thought I remembered being told pieces were from the Silmarillion. What I didn't like was the addiction of the orbs following them. I dunno, seemed really off to me. I haven't read those and I'm sure the white orc was probably mentioned if not in there but aaaaah....nooooo
  • nikamar
    nikamar Posts: 83 Member
    I'm Nika.
    Born in the(probably to you) exotic country of Croatia, but pretty much a citizen of the world now, with three passports. Almost like James Bourne, but without penis and people constantly trying to assassinate me. At least I hope so.
    Anyways, I'm 30 and married to a hilarious sexy american nerd for a couple of years now.
    I have a sense of humor that will either give you a laughing aneurysm, or you'll get a strong urge to punch me in my ovaries. Honestly, there's no middle ground here.
    I'm a passionate hater of hairy peaches.
    I had a dog for 15 years that I put to sleep a couple of years ago, and still miss that fat farting machine every single day.
    Unfortunately, I don't have a journey to fit story to tell, I guess my journey was just figuring out what my body wants (weights and food) and needs (heavier weights and more food).
    Don't have any kids yet, but I have a one year old nephew that has just started to form a quirky auntie-like personality, and I can tell we're gonna be BFFs.

    Anywhoo... Here's gif of a corgi hating on the cabbage.

  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Hi! I'm Joelle :flowerforyou:

    I'm 36, married, mommy to one terrible-two year old :smooched: whom I adore despite his crappy attitude.

    Education in Social Work, practiced predominately suicide assessments and crisis intervention, dabbled in some long term case management -- burnt out with the whole mentalit or do more with less and sought other career opportunitites.

    Now I manage a small Base Exchange (think convenience store) on a USCG Base in Maine. I :heart: :heart: my job, my customers and my country. I have never, in my 20 years in the working world, had a job I loved more and looked forward to every day.

    I have a sad and pathetic story that I'll skip :yawn: regarding my previous marriage(s) involving a fat, broken, sad woman who allowed a super morbidly obese man (700+ pounds when he died at 40 years old) to control her life and abuse her emotionally for five years......

    Fast Forward to the present, because that is all that really matters. Happy, healthy, 5 years post Gastric Bypass, maintaining a 200+ pound weight loss, working on the last super stubborn 15 pounds. Married to a true knight in shining armor that came along when I gave up looking. Strolled into my life and never looked back despite my claims that I would NEVER marry again, and he was just going to have to get over his need for marriage. Well.......... what can you do when your soul mate won't go away? :love:

    Love me a good run, and working on getting my *kitten* back into gear. I refuse to run on the treadmill (as I truly believe a part of my soul dies when I do), so I did no running all winter. Now, I am trying to get my groove back.