Dress Fitting

Hi Bees! I thought I would share this with you, it's definitely motivating!

I had my first dress fitting yesterday. When I ordered the dress last Fall, I was between sizes so we decided to play it safe and order the bigger one to accommodate my figure. I have a pretty narrow waist but very curvy hips and bubble butt. Well, when I went in yesterday the seamstress was amazed at how loose the dress fit me! I was internally doing my happy dance because this validated I had lost more inches than lbs since my weight has only gone down about 7 lbs since last August. As the fitting went on, she started to pin the dress to my current size and boy did I love it! However, at the end of the fitting, it dawned on me that this means I have to keep off the weight....I had not even thought of that! So now I'm extra motivated to keep moving and eating clean to keep this off. I will need your support now more than ever! Of course, I am happy to support you in return!!!

That's the end of my story for now. Have a great day everyone!


  • curtainpuller
    curtainpuller Posts: 8 Member
    Congratulations on the progress. That's wonderful. Keep up the great work :)
  • iconrunner
    iconrunner Posts: 57 Member
    Thanks for sharing that! That IS so motivating. Congratulations!

    You can definitely keep it off!

    My motivation was fledgling after an indulgent long weekend but I truly am inspired ( also I have a dress fitting myself in about two weeks!)