Bmi 37 with 80 lb wt loss goal

Wondering what your experience has been with the sleeve with similar weight and goals


  • bikrchk
    bikrchk Posts: 516 Member
    I started out with a BMI of 37, 7 months ago at my consult. I'm 5'6" and weighed 235. A month later I was sleeved. Today, I've lost 75 pounds and gone from an 18 to an 8. My surgeon told me last week that as of now, I'm considered a "success" as far as weight loss even if I don't lose any more, but my goal is a bit more aggressive. I'd like to land firmly in the middle of the healthy BMI range, which for me is about 135 pounds. I gave 25 to go to get there, which at this point seems doable. I'm still losing, (slowly now) and would like to make it an even 100 pound loss. Not sure if I'll stay there or not, but at least that gives me some wiggle room to remain in healthy territory even if I gain a few back, (I hear it's typical to maintain 10-15 pounds heavier than your lowest weight).

    The experience has been great! The health problems I had before, asthma, high blood pressure, pre-diabeties, anxiety, etc are all gone! I exercise 5 days per week and don't feel like I have to "diet" anymore. I simply eat like a thin person now. Sweet freedom!
  • dsjsmom23
    dsjsmom23 Posts: 234 Member
    I started out with a BMI of 37, 7 months ago at my consult. I'm 5'6" and weighed 235. A month later I was sleeved. Today, I've lost 75 pounds and gone from an 18 to an 8. My surgeon told me last week that as of now, I'm considered a "success" as far as weight loss even if I don't lose any more, but my goal is a bit more aggressive. I'd like to land firmly in the middle of the healthy BMI range, which for me is about 135 pounds. I gave 25 to go to get there, which at this point seems doable. I'm still losing, (slowly now) and would like to make it an even 100 pound loss. Not sure if I'll stay there or not, but at least that gives me some wiggle room to remain in healthy territory even if I gain a few back, (I hear it's typical to maintain 10-15 pounds heavier than your lowest weight).

    The experience has been great! The health problems I had before, asthma, high blood pressure, pre-diabeties, anxiety, etc are all gone! I exercise 5 days per week and don't feel like I have to "diet" anymore. I simply eat like a thin person now. Sweet freedom!

    THIS makes me feel hopeful!
    I am currently preop, I meet my surgeon June 5, and am hoping he will give me my date shortly after. I've been preop for almost 2 years. Plugging along with my bariatric program since Jan 2014. I've had my ups and i've had my downs. If it wasn't for knowing I WILL be having my surgery, i'm sure I would have quit a LONG time ago, then restarted LOL

    I am currently 250,a size 20, and have HBP. I can't even IMAGINE what it would be like to fit into a size 8!!!! Only in my wildest dreams!
    I can't wait to start the next part of my journey!
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    I am 5'5" female 44 yrs old. Sleeved 11/20/13. My original goal was 180. Overweight but not obese. I have passed that goal and have reset my new goal at 150. Overweight but healthy. I only take vitamins and reflux meds now. No more blood sugar and bp meds. But, I have a bad hip and a bad ankle. I need to get a bit lower to preserve them. I only have 23 lbs to go and they will likely come off very slowly. I have no expectation to lose them before my surgery anniversary in November. I just live my plan. I have changed recipes to fit my new lifestyle. For example I use strained yogurt where I would have used mayo. I use beans instead of potato. I use other flours besides wheat to make my wraps and dumplings. This keeps my carbs low and my protein and fiber high. The sleeve is wonderful for portion control as long as you don't eat around it, i.e. Grazing on food all day long. I stay away from calorie dense processed food and I measure and weigh my food and log it in MFP. I stick to my 3 meals and a snack. I have to credit my success to one other key thing. I quit emotional eating/medicating with food almost a year before my surgery. In my opinion, refusal to stop medicating with food is the number one reason for weight loss surgery failure.
  • stratusphr
    stratusphr Posts: 87 Member
    I am 5'6" - BMI was 36.8. I've lost between 83 and 86 lbs, depending on the day. I was very rigid while I was in the losing stage. I lost 23 lbs pre-op and I reached MY goal in six months. I reached my doctor's goal in five. On June 11, I'll be four years out. I've been maintaining since Dec 2010.

    Best decision ever, I love my sleeve!
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    I started at 386 with a BMI over 40. So far I've lost 160 pounds with 66 to go to my "ideal weight", ideal per my doctor. That ideal weight will still leave me in the overweight range and my doctor told me he expected I would get to 200, bounce back up to 220 and stay there, so still be obese. I don't like that and told him my personal goal was to land somewhere below 200 pounds and stay there. But the closer I get to that 200 pound mark (at 226 now) the more I think I can actually get down to the ideal weight for my height and age of 160. I may never be a "normal" weight, but after being morbidly obese for so many years, I will gladly be "overweight"! :laugh:

    PS - no more high BP, boarderline diabetis, majorly impaired mobility! I will always have arthritis, but most days I am pain free! I am so glad I had VSG and got my life back!!
  • jkern9110
    jkern9110 Posts: 119 Member
    OMG! Y'all are AMAZING!!! Such an inspiration. I'm still on my way to goal, but I know I'll get there. I started out with a BMI of 45. I'm 5'8", 8 months post-op, down 81 pounds, with another 52 to get to my goal weight of 165. I haven't been as vigilent with exercising, but I'm committed to changing that and have done well these past few weeks. I look forward to reaching my goal and being as healthy as all of you!