Medical question not fitness question

jr235 Posts: 201 Member
Hi there,

So I'm 27 years old with my second pregnancy. I have a daughter who is just over 3.

With my first pregnancy I was put on bed rest for a few weeks at 6-7 months because I was having contractions and my cervix was shortening. I had spotting throughout 90% of that pregnancy, but it never got too bad so I thought maybe it was just me. After a few weeks of bed rest my cervix hadn't shortened anymore and I wasn't having contractions, so I was told to carry on with my life but with limited activity. We had just moved and I hadn't found a job yet, so I delayed working until after my daughter was born. No kids, no job, limited activity was easy enough to do. Ultimately I delivered a healthy baby girl 1 day after my due date, so it was all good.

Fast forward to this pregnancy at currently just a bit over 20 weeks. I am still having spotting, started about a month and a half ago. I wear a pad, but more because I don't want to ruin my underwear rather than I actually need to. At my last 3 appts the doctor and the ultrasound tech have separately told me my placenta is low. Neither one has specifically stated placenta previa, but the tech asked me if I'd had any bleeding. I've also had quite a bit of cramping, but it seems to be mostly food related. I've always had a sensitive stomach, so getting cramps after I eat isn't that much different than the norm.

My doctor hasn't said anything about limited activity, working less, anything. She said if my bleeding gets worse to call to come in, or if i can't come in go to the emergency room.

At first I thought "wooohooo life continues as normal as its going to get for the next year", but now thanks to dr. google I'm wondering if maybe she's being a bit too laid back. My doc also hasn't checked my cervical length, and I'm wondering if that should be monitored.

I also have suspected endometriosis. I never had the surgery to confirm. I had all the symptoms, my mother and my grandmother had it (my mother had a hysterectomy to get rid of the symptoms), but was given the option of birth control to stop my periods or the surgery. Clearly I chose birth control, and most of my symptoms went away when I started the depo shot and then later the mirena IUD.

Any opinions for me? Should I go in for a second opinion? Just chill and trust my doctor? What?


  • kalyrra
    kalyrra Posts: 672 Member
    You should definitely voice your concerns to your doctor. I'm assuming they know about your previous pregnancy complications? If something is bothering you that much, talk to them about it. If you're not satisfied with their help, get a second opinion elsewhere. You know your body, and it's your baby.

    Also... be careful with google. It tends to make you worry more than necessary.
  • jr235
    jr235 Posts: 201 Member
    Thanks! I am going to get a second opinion. I'll go to the doctor I went to for my previous pregnancies just for my peace of mind.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Did you get that second opinion? Or voice these concerns to your doctor?

    If not, either of those is a good idea.

    Let us know what happens.