wedding dress rant/panic!

Hi ladies!

My dress is due in any day now and the suspense is killing me. But I'm also absolutely dreading it; I think i was about 12st 5lbs (173lbs) when I ordered it and it just about fit, since then I went up to 13st 5.5lbs (187.5lbs) then lost 8lbs (which now puts me at 12st 11.5lbs/179.5lbs), I know it's not going to fit when I try it on and im just going to want to eat to make myself feel better, which is soo not going to help! It's corseted so it's not possible to take it out, ahhhhh!


  • iconrunner
    iconrunner Posts: 57 Member
    When is your wedding date? I am sure you can get back to where you were when you ordered the dress! My first instinct is to comfort-eat when things get rough - but dont do it! You will feel worse after if you do, but if you get through this without comfort-eating you will feel doubly better knowing you resisted. I know its easier said than done as I've been there countless times.