Hello there



  • joanndoody
    Hi all! I am new to MFP. Would love to lose 40- 50 lbs. I am 165 today. Looking forward to hearing about the challenge.
  • leaaa92
    leaaa92 Posts: 164 Member
    Hey y'all! My name is Laulea and I'm soo down to lose weight for summer! I wanna be able to rock a bikini on the beach haha. So my CW is 163lbs and I wanna be at 140lbs.

    I really want to keep myself accountable so I've made a spreadsheet for this group in case anyone else wants to track your weekly weigh-ins with me. I'm going to do my weekly weigh-ins on Mondays but you can log in yours any day of the week :) If you wanna use the spreadsheet too, you'll just need this link, no sign-in required:


    If there's any trouble with it or you think it could use some things, please let me know!

    I'm excited! We got this, guys! :D
  • SaraHurtado30
    I would love to join and lose 20 for summer! It pays to be held accountable for things like this… Starting weight was 215, CW is 187 and GW is 130 and being 5'3 sure doesn't make it look evened out… kids sure pay a number on a woman's body!!
  • lf4179
    lf4179 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi. I would like to join.:smile: 20 lbs is about what I have left to lose. I am a mom of 3. I admit I do weigh in daily but I will report here once a week so as not to drive others crazy w/ my unhealthy relationship I have with my scale. I have been at this for 90 days now and am eager to see what the next 90 days brings me. I log my food daily and my diary is open although it is a bit repetitive. My SW was 164.2 and I am currently 147-148ish. Good luck to us all!
  • jules371
    jules371 Posts: 2
    Count me in!! Had a very emotional year and gained 20 pounds. Need to lose a total of 45. Starting tomorrow...Let's Go!!!
  • Gambrell104
    Gambrell104 Posts: 282 Member
    Will we be doing any exercise challenges?
  • lf4179
    lf4179 Posts: 37 Member
    Will we be doing any exercise challenges?
    This is the first time I have ever participated in a group but I think this would be a great idea.:happy:
  • smbateman86
    Hi, i only have 30 pounds to lose so 20 by July would be great! I need help though :( I can't seem to make the scale budge and I have been trying REALLY hard
  • Gaaya3
    Gaaya3 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm in. I'm 5'6, turning 29 in a couple of weeks. I started at 200lbs, CW of 188.4lbs and GW of around 135lb. 20lbs by July puts me at 168 before going home to visit my hometown, so that would be awesome! Hopefully I'll be down a jean size by then too. What are your routines and have they been paying off?

    I'm trying to stay at an average 1280 calories but my logging of food and exercise are not always accurate, due to guesstimating and such. I don't cook at home, so I mainly do a granola bar for breakfast, lean cuisine for lunch and something like subway for dinner with snacks in between. Then there are days I go out to eat with friends, which is where all the guessing comes in. I try to under-eat one day if I'm going out the next day.

    I try to exercise 4 to 5 days a week. 3 days of Couch to 5k (I'm on week 5) and spinning and swimming on two other days. Again I don't know how accurate the calorie burn I log in is. I do want to start strength training but I haven't found a program I'll keep up with. I keep perusing fitness magazines but haven't found one I like yet. I have also struggled with drinking enough water. I'm just finding that very hard.

    I've lost almost 12lbs in one month this way but I know some of it is probably water weight, so I'm worried about the ability to lose 20lbs in 10 weeks.

    So enough about me, what about you guys?
  • tracyskeens
    I'm in. I struggle with consistency and am hoping a group like this will help me. I've been hovering at 201-203 for a while now and want to see me #'s under 200!
  • Gambrell104
    Gambrell104 Posts: 282 Member
    I'm in. I struggle with consistency and am hoping a group like this will help me. I've been hovering at 201-203 for a while now and want to see me #'s under 200!

    Yay Tracy! We can do it! Love ya Girl!
  • LJA1968
    LJA1968 Posts: 516 Member
    I added my information into the google docs spread sheet. Will update each week. I'm excited to get back on track again.

  • skeet67
    skeet67 Posts: 21
    Wow....this group has really grown!! :smile:
  • LJA1968
    LJA1968 Posts: 516 Member
    Guess I should give my information too :). I started my weight loss journey on my 44th birthday (July 2012). I had a starting weight of 220lbs. My goal is to reach 150. My doctor has said lower than that, but I think 150 is reasonable. I am 5'4" and not looking to be in bikini shape (too many surgical scars). I had reached a low of 165 in July of 2013 and maintained that pretty well. This past winter has been very rough on me emotionally, which has led me to eat like crazy again, hence the now current weight of 179. I'm feeling more myself again and am ready to tackle this head on once more. I look forward to meeting each of you and reading how everyone is doing. Feel free to friend me if you wish, just let me know you are from this group. Thanks. Leslie
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm looking to lose 20 lbs to get down from 150 to 130. I was down to 145 lbs 2 weeks ago, but I put some weight back on. Groups definitely made me more accountable in the past, so I know this is going to help keep me on track. Good luck to everyone!
  • ChaiyaChaiya21
    ChaiyaChaiya21 Posts: 37 Member
    I forgot to say Hi on here. I am really working on losing about 20lbs before summer. 20 lbs would helps me reach my first goal weight and I am also going back home for the first time in years so there is always the "pressure" there to looks good. Small towns are the worst. So if I could get it together and make it work by doing this challenge to keep my focused that would be fantastic. I stay on calories and work out pretty regularly but I just need that EXTRA push.

    Please feel free to add me!!
  • allotmentgardener
    allotmentgardener Posts: 248 Member
    Hi there. Count me in.
    I weigh in every friday so starting from 18th April I weigh 13 stone (182 lb approx)

    25th April - 12 st 10.25 (178 lb) so have lost 4 lb