Yeah, I'm not even kidding

DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
Hi all.
I don't think I could express myself better than this guy:

This line especially:
"Oz appears to have very little respect for himself because his representations denigrate what physicians attempt to overcome every day. "

One petition site that I've seen is aptly named "" but I'm open to suggestions.


  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    Can we petition to have his medical license revoked and his show taken off of the air too?

    I am so in.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Can we petition to have his medical license revoked and his show taken off of the air too?

    I am so in.

    Welcome aboard! More than happy to see you here!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Something about making being healthy so confusing and complicated that he's directly contributing to the obesity epidemic.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Something about making being healthy so confusing and complicated that he's directly contributing to the obesity epidemic.

    I agree - that needs to be mentioned.

    ETA: seriously... this guy should pay reparations.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Maybe we can start with the hippocratic oath:

    Wikipedia: The original Hippocratic Oath can be broken up to cover twelve different areas to which a physician is swearing to; the areas are as follows:[5]

    - The first is a covenant with the deity Apollo, who is the god of healing. Most modern oaths have removed this portion; however, the original translation reads "I swear by Apollo the physician…".

    -The second is the Covenant with Teachers, and this is done with the pledge of collegiality and financial support.
    - Next is the Commitment to Students by the promise to teach those who swear the oath.

    - After the Commitment to Students comes the Covenant with Patients, and this is the physicians pledge to use their best ability and judgment. Issue 1

    - The fifth area is Appropriate Means with the use of standard "dietary" care; this is using the established and accepted practices to treat their patients. Issue 2

    - Appropriate Ends is next and says that a doctor is to do what is best for the patient, rather than what is best for the physician. Issue 3

    - The seventh area is the Limits on Ends, which was originally in the oath but has been omitted by many medical schools. The Limit on Ends in the oath said that a doctor would not help a women have an abortion and that the physician would not administer a lethal drug if asked. Both of these have caused many ethical dilemmas in modern times, with abortion being legal in the United States and with prisons using lethal drugs to execute prisoners.

    The next area is Limits on Means; this refers to the leaving of surgeries and specialty care to those who have been trained in that particular specialty.

    - Next is Justice; upon taking the oath, the physician is swearing that they will avoid any voluntary act of impropriety or corruption. Issue 4

    - After Justice comes Chastity, which states that a physician will not have any sexual contact with their patients.

    - The eleventh area covered is Confidentiality; this simply says that a doctor will not repeat anything that is seen or heard.

    - The final area of the oath is Accountability, which is a prayer that the physician be favored by the gods if the oath is kept and punished if it is broken.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member

    This should be the groups photo. :)
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    - After the Commitment to Students comes the Covenant with Patients, and this is the physicians pledge to use their best ability and judgment. Issue 1

    As a medical doctor, Oz has the responsibility to keep up with recent research and help contextualize health claims within the knowledge base of his discipline. He should help us understand how the science works and decide what has merit. Instead, he offers a platform for shills and clouds peoples ability to critically think through advertisement claims.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    He uses his clout to undermine the natural and justified skepticism consumers would bring to new products with overblown health claims and fails to promote the moderate balanced diet and active lifestyle that has been supported again and again by empirical research.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member

    This should be the groups photo. :)

    thy will be done.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    - The fifth area is Appropriate Means with the use of standard "dietary" care; this is using the established and accepted practices to treat their patients. Issue 2

    The well-balanced, moderate diet as a part of an active lifestyle mentioned above is one example of Dr. Oz not using established and accepted practices.

    Additionally, when doctors recommend an innovative practice, it is their responsibility to ensure that the patient is appropriately monitored to see how they respond to the treatment. Dr. Oz uses his medical background to provide recommendations that people consider authoritative without ensuring that they receive appropriate follow-up care.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    - The fifth area is Appropriate Means with the use of standard "dietary" care; this is using the established and accepted practices to treat their patients. Issue 2

    The well-balanced, moderate diet as a part of an active lifestyle mentioned above is one example of Dr. Oz not using established and accepted practices.

    Additionally, when doctors recommend an innovative practice, it is their responsibility to ensure that the patient is appropriately monitored to see how they respond to the treatment. Dr. Oz uses his medical background to provide recommendations that people consider authoritative without ensuring that they receive appropriate follow-up care.

    You're amazing. Just so you know.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    - The fifth area is Appropriate Means with the use of standard "dietary" care; this is using the established and accepted practices to treat their patients. Issue 2

    The well-balanced, moderate diet as a part of an active lifestyle mentioned above is one example of Dr. Oz not using established and accepted practices.

    Additionally, when doctors recommend an innovative practice, it is their responsibility to ensure that the patient is appropriately monitored to see how they respond to the treatment. Dr. Oz uses his medical background to provide recommendations that people consider authoritative without ensuring that they receive appropriate follow-up care.

    You're amazing. Just so you know.

    Thanks! I make up stuff for a living. Somebody will need to fact check me.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    - The fifth area is Appropriate Means with the use of standard "dietary" care; this is using the established and accepted practices to treat their patients. Issue 2

    The well-balanced, moderate diet as a part of an active lifestyle mentioned above is one example of Dr. Oz not using established and accepted practices.

    Additionally, when doctors recommend an innovative practice, it is their responsibility to ensure that the patient is appropriately monitored to see how they respond to the treatment. Dr. Oz uses his medical background to provide recommendations that people consider authoritative without ensuring that they receive appropriate follow-up care.

    You're amazing. Just so you know.

    Thanks! I make up stuff for a living. Somebody will need to fact check me.

    I will look into it and get started on this next week. This week is shot.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    - Appropriate Ends is next and says that a doctor is to do what is best for the patient, rather than what is best for the physician. Issue 3

    Dr. Oz gets paid hundreds of thousands of dollars as a TV personality. His viewers receive dubious medical advice and information that derails the common-sense application of empirically supported weight loss and fitness research. Dr. Oz's advice clearly benefits him to the detriment of the people who listen to him.

    Issue 4 corruption -
    As a private citizen, this would be dis-credible. By using his medical title, Dr. Oz borrows the authority of the AMA for what is nothing more than a money making scheme.